Party with the freaks, you get what you deserve
I worked the Fenix last night and broke out a few routines I haven't done in a while. The Shrinking Pin, The Spirit Nut (with the Judah pin ending where the nut ends up o the wrong side of the safety pin, making it impossible to remove the nut from the pin), and the linking bar straws an original routine I came up years ago.
It was a crazy night, alive with booze and swaying bodies. Around 11PM or so they strung up one of their own. First time I had ever seen live, the piercing of human flesh with giant hooks and the suspension of a tattooed clad, nipple pierced Generation Xer. Fuck'em, that's what I say. String em all up by their nuts for all I care. It's good family entertainment. I only wish Buster was there to see this sort of demented shit. As a normal teenager, I'm sure this sort of action would have been right up his sick and twisted alley.

The rest of the night only got weirder, so much so that I stayed an extra hour and partied with the freaks. Something happened in that last hour that has never happened in my 30+ years of performing the cups and balls. A heavy set chick from Hawaii named Kilani, grabbed one of my loads, a fresh and firm lime about the size of a pool ball and took a big bite out of it. She then gave me a lime wet kiss, a big hug and staggered back into the crowd. At that, I knew it was time to leave.
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