I met Linnea at the Art Museum at six. I was excited to be with her again. She's zany, wholesome, artistic and pretty with her blond hair and blue eyes. Linnea was a SAM Member and got in for free. I purchased a family membership thinking that this might be fun to take all the kids to. Good rainy day activity.
The featured artist was a fellow named
"Isamu Noguchi (1904-1988) he created groundbreaking works of fine art and decorative art—expanding the modern definition of sculpture, furniture and landscape architecture, as well as challenging ideas about the unique art object and the possibilities of mass-produced design.
In this exhibition Noguchi’s achievements are refracted through the work of renowned director and installation artist Robert Wilson (b. 1941), who has created an aesthetic, intellectual and sensory experience that both explicates and enriches
Noguchi’s creations."

Now in plain english: "Funky, freaky rooms of weird stuff, set up in a way to amuse the mind and hilight the exhibited sculptures. This cat had some excellent ideas about form and function. From swimming pool designs in bronze, to Terminator style chrome plated busts of Gershwin. Each room weirder than the next. Dramatic transitions in light and feel from room to room guided you on a journey that was the vision of the installer. His job, to display Nagouchi's work in it's best light. . . so to speak.
The stone work was impressive. Linnea reminded me of the terrific weight of some of the sculptures. Evidently when you sell a piece like this or need to move it to exhibit, the cost can be considerable.
After the Noguchi exhibit we checked out some of the POP ART. Both Linnea and I are drawn to this area. We talked about Lichenstein, commented on a Max Ernst piece they had. Dug the Warhol and even checked out a digital photo collage.
Afterwards we went to "The Brooklyn" for a cocktail and a bite. Talked more art and continued to get to know one and other.
I gave her a lift to her car, gave her a hug. Wanted to kiss her but didn't.
quote - Wanted to kiss her but didn't. -
How come? :-)
4:20 PM
Wasn't getting the feeling that was something she wanted. Later confirmed this.
I like her and didn't want to screw up.
4:41 PM
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