A day to remember

Like so many other historic days that will be etched into our memories.
Where were you when it happened? How did you feel? I think we all know where we were and how we felt.
Private thoughts and personal feelings.
A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!
I was at school... senior year of high school. I was working the blood drive, and someone came in saying that that one of the twin towers had been hit by an airplane. I didn't know what the twin towers were, but we turned on the radio and pandemonium struck. A friend and I left school and he took me to the hotel we were staying in. I called my (now) husband and his work had been closed down so he came over. I remember being terrified. School was closed the next day, the mall was closed... even Nickelodean was showing the footage. I remember watching as the second plane hit, and, like most others, I thought it was a replay of the first. Jeremy actually told me it was a different plane and a different building. I could go on and on about that day, but I am getting emotional just thinking about.
6:36 PM
I was driving to the golf course that morning having just gotten off work.... The radio announcer said that one of the twin towers had been hit by a Boeing 757 and was burnign out of control. At first I didn't believe it, it was just too weird, like something out of "The war of the worlds" before the pathetic movie... I changed radio channels and all the stations were broadcasting the same horrid news, I knew then that we had been attacked, It was unbelievable, but now we know the source of the evil that wants to purge the world of anything non Muslim... I got to the golf course in time to se on the T.V. the 2nd plane crashing into the other tower..
Never Forget!
10:04 PM
I was teaching my fifth graders a writing lesson. We were writing an essay about heroes ironically enough. One of my kids came in late and said there had been a terrible accident in NY and a plane had crashed into the WTC. There was just no getting away from it. My world just stopped for a week or so. Fortunately all my family in NYC was out of time. Sometimes I still just have to stop and cry.
4:40 AM
Cock sucking teachers at my school didn't allow us to find out what happened. they hid it from us and I learned about it later taht night. Not only was it horrible that the towers had gone down, but the cock sucking mother fucking rat bastard teachers didn't do a fuckin' thing. They knew what was up, there was an announcment telling teachers not to turn t.v.s or radios on....The teachers didn't show any fucking emotion...
10:10 PM
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