Flashback to 1999
I wrote this on October 8, 1999 time flies. . . . and I still miss him.

Larry Pringle was my friend, my teacher and one heck of a nice guy. He died a few weeks ago. He carried me through some of my tough adolesent episodes; so it seemed a profound irony that I would be one of his pallbearers. Putting this man to rest is a harder task than I would have ever imagined.
My memories of Larry are deep and special moments. Twenty years ago we used to session at Larry's house every Saturday morning. Shawn Greer, Ken Bierly, Larry & I would start the day with donuts and card tricks. Larry's generosity with his possessions and his knowledge were mind boggling. As a teenager I worked on the Judah handling of the Chinatown Half. After months of practicing the routine; with Larry coaching my angles and timing he felt the time was right. "Tom, I've got something for you" he said in that low half mumbling voice of his. "This was Stuart Judah's Chinatown Half set." My mouth hit the floor. "Ahh Ahh. . . . Duh" was all I could say as I inspected the walking liberty and Chinese coin. Larry loved to give. He gave me so much of his time and some of my best tricks. He was a sleight of hand man through and through.
Seeing him in the casket, broke my heart. . . It was for real. He had in his hands a used deck of bikes and a wand. I couldn't help but thinking that he would have preferred a new deck of Tally-Ho Circle backs. Tears welled up in my eyes as my mind swam through a maze of years gone by. His son Mike asked If there was anything I wanted to put in the coffin. I replied that there was. I walked out to my car; opened my trunk and got out my Doctor's bag. From the side compartment in the lid, I removed my set of Cups and Balls. I walked back in and placed the cups by his side. I cried.
One of the first things Larry ever said to me was, "If you don't do the cups and balls or the linking rings. . . . You're just not a magician". Well, Thanks to you Larry Pringle, I've spent the last two decades trying to perfect those important tricks. I don't think that I've perfected the tricks yet. . . but I learn more about my art and myself each and every time I perform them.
Larry Pringle will be greatly missed by all his friends in magic. . . . . and there were so many of us. . . who knew him, loved him and were proud to call him a friend. He was a big man with an even bigger heart. With big hands, he made that Hofzinzer palm to palm transfer look so easy. The guy had class. His silver hair slicked back standing straight and proud. We are the keepers of Larry's memories. Share them with each other. . . and his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during these difficult times.
"And the seasons, they go round and round. And the painted ponies go up and down, we're captive on a carosel of time." Joni Mitchell
Life goes on. We all deal with loss in our own way. Try and picture Larry in your minds eye. Remember that half cocked grin he'd flash when he'd knew he had just fooled you bad. Well it's clear to me how I need to deal with the aching pain in my heart. for now I will just float in the special memories as I do 1000 classic passes.
With Love and Respect,
Tom Frank
Wow! great post!
Thank you Tom for sharing about this wonderful person in your life. Wish I coulda been there on those saturday morns...You have a special talent yourself, a great penchant for writing and sharing!
I love you!
Your friend,
6:47 AM
Tom, I know that pain, and that sense of responsibility. I wish all of us would feel the need to carry with us our forebears. If each of us perform magic with that thread to our mentors, the quality of magic will only improve. You are so blessed to have been touched by Mr. Pringle, Mr. Judah, and all the rest. We are also as blessed, because they were wise enough to share their magic with someone like you, who would share it with others. We are what we are because you are what you are, and so on, back into history. You make me want to be better.
12:49 PM
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