I miss my little sister Margie
Marjorie Kathleen Frank born June 6th, 1967 died tragically in a car accident November 24, 1985 she died on Thanksgiving.

My sister Caryn with baby Margie

Margie and my Mom
Margie Video Click Here
Margie got married when she was 16 years old. I was living in New York City at the time. I was invited to the wedding but did not attend as I did not approve of her decision. I have few regrets in my life, but that was one. At the time it was important to me to let her know how I felt. Now is doesn't matter. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl when she was 17. She died when she was 18.
I loved her so much, and now thinking about her and reliving the memory of her, my heart breaks and the tears flow freely. Here are two songs that my brother wrote that might bring her back to life for you.
This song Mike wrote and sang at her wedding. It's called "Isn't it lovely" Click Here
The next song he wrote after Margie and Gerry had their baby. Its called, "Nikki" Click Here

Here's a picture of Margie and Me when we were kids.
Not to be mean, but it was November 24, 1985... the day that changed many lives everywhere... every life she touched, even if for a brief moment in time. A day that definetley changed the outcome of my life, more than a lot of people can imagine, though differently than what you, Gram, Mike, Caryn, Poppa, etc. have experienced. I am not saying one feels more pain than another, but... I guess different would be the word. You don't know how much I wish those songs brought "her back to life" for me, but unfortunatley that is the life I know of her... a grave stone, a song, a picture, a story... no memories... nothing... just a cold stone, a faded picture, a forgotton song... and sometimes it feels as though my heart is cold because I don't remember... but I have to remember that I didn't have a chance to remember. I didn't have a chance to make memories. Sometimes, I feel guilty that I don't remember, or that it was on MY birthday that the accident that claimed her life happened. Sometimes I feel like its my fault that this beautiful creature was taken from this world... and not me. She had so much time left, so many lives to touch, but she did not get a chance. Not to discredit the mother I love, and who raised me... mind you, but there is a difference between blood and non. I guess I should be blogging this in my blog... sorry.
9:42 PM
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