A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Rain Rain Go Away

It's rained all week here in Seattle as we're now officially into our rainy season. There's snow in the mountains, so even if my ex wife was normal and would allow me to see my kids, chances of crossing the pass with another storm front on the way is questionable.

I'll be at the Fenix Underground this weekend, as usual. . . but I really need to make some more money. A weekend without street performing is a weekend I need to find another source of performing income.

I just got off the phone with my lawyer, he's trying to get her to let me see the kids this Sunday. This is good news. Let's hope the snow factor doesn't fuck this up.

I've got lot's of ideas whirling around in my head. As always, delusions of grandure and impossible dreams. But! Magic is where the possible and impossible collide like speeding semi's on Myth Busters. As a new daily goal I want to write more. At times I feel like I'm a pretty good writer, at other times I feel like the high school drop out that I am. Regardless, the stories in my head need to be told. I've been fixated on this idea lately of a one man show. kind of a living version of my blog. I like the idea of stringing together tricks, stories, history, pain and emotion. . . . conflict, resolution and wonder all in a 90 minute or 2 hour show. I like the idea of taking the audience on a ride that takes them through a journey over the hills, valley's and mountains of my life.

I want to start writing this show, but don't know where to start. I like to think that the last 5 years of my blog might be some sort of rough draft. I've started outlining some of the pieces of my life that might make for good theater. Others have done this sort of thing, but what makes this unique; is the brash honesty that I want to convey. This is the story of a real life dreamer who has dealt with death, drugs, divorce, and discouregement. Always a die hard optomist he always seems to land on his feet.

Hey! Maybe that's how I should write it! As a 3rd person narrative, disconnecting myself from the character might help in writing more objectively. Who knows.

What I do know, is, I feel like there is a compelling story here. I like the notion of daily writing on this project.


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