Free Weekend Minutes
Took some interesting calls this weekend from a variety of eccentric freaks. The first was from Chris Carney, a comic magician from San Francisco.

I met Chris briefly a couple of years ago. He had a gig at a place called The Cat Walk not far from my magic shop in Pioneer Square. We hit it off and had a fun time hanging out in the back room. Since then, we've talked on the phone half a dozen times. This guy is a nut. He performs on the street as well as Comedy Clubs.
Last night I got a call from Steve Brooks, founder of the Magic Cafe.

I fist met Steve at the Las Vegas Magic Invitational a couple years ago. My memories of that convention are hazy as I was trying out a new "all alcohol" diet. While there was a ton of great magic there, the most entertaining thing I saw that weekend was Reed McClintock trying to pick a fight with Apollo Robbins. The reason I bring this up, was because Steve Brooks put himself between the two men and with a hand on Reed's shoulder was a calming influence attempting to help diffuse a potentially volatile situation. I left before it all ended as there was a 2 for 1 drink special in my room. We met again at the PCAM here in Seattle. Steve Brooks takes some heavy hits from some in that magic community. I like him and think that his head and his heart is in the right place. We chatted about some of his upcoming DVD projects as well as our take on the state of magic in this changing world we live in.
The last call I took last night before my gig at the Fenix was from Lee Asher.

I am a big Asher fan. Lee is a revolutionary thinker in the art of magic. I met Lee at the same LVMI. We told each other that we were members of the mutual admiration society. He was nice enough to send me his new DVD on the Asher Twist over the holidays. We talked about his upcoming trip to England and Amsterdam next week. We also discussed magic, magicians, marketing, web stuff and high powered pot. It's no wonder we get along.
I told Lee a few of stories about my days at the Magic Castle. Jim Patton used to call us the "Young Turks". It was Danny Sylvester, Paul Nathan and I who, on any given weekend in 1986 could be found at the Castle having the time of our life. I told Lee about fucking this chick right before I was was going to perform close up magic. I was surprised when they started seating before we were done. I had her bent over this cocktail table behind the curtain. It really is quite funny, I was introduced and came out with my hand REEKING of pussy (Here, pick a card). Ahhh those were the days. I shared a couple other stories with Lee, like the time I pulled the huge switchblade on Billy McComb for coming on to the girl I was with. Memories. . .
So that about wraps up this segment of "Free Weekend Minutes"
How lucky I am to call these people my friends. Go figure, a hack like me, with so many talented friends. Lucky and blessed, that's what I say.
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