John Longenbaugh (click here)
I saw this post on the Magic Cafe
I'm a playwright and theatre director who's returning to magic after many years, thanks to a new play I've written. It's called "Marvolo the Anti-Smoking Magician," and it'll be produced in March of next year here in Seattle.
I'm wondering if any other Café regulars are aware of other scripts with magicians written into them. I'm aware of Woody Allen's "The Floating Light Bulb Trick," but does anyone else know any plays about magicians?
Many thanks!

John Longenbaugh
In response, I posted that I lived in seattle and I was working on a one man show. After a few emails back and forth we agreed to meet for lunch at Café Septième in Capitol Hill. In one of his emails, John sent me his script for his play "Marvolo the Anti-Smoking Magician," a funny one act play.
It was great making a new friend. We both had lots of questions about each other. I was interested in starting a dialog about the structure and technique of what is required when writing a play. He was interested in finding out about the magic scene here in Seattle.
John practiced and performed magic as a teenager but hadn't really touched it since then. I told him about the Tuesday Night Sessions, The "Back Room" Tightcircle as well as Lynnwood Ring. I described our scene here in Seattle as "Vibrant"
I did a few tricks for him and he bought me lunch. (Thanks John!)
John generously offered to to help me as I begin to script my show and look for direction. I have a feeling that he is going to be a big help.
In addition to the light bulb play-- Steve Martin wrote a one-act called: Patter for the Floating Lady. He wrote another called: The Zig Zag Lady. Both are one act presentations for illusions, obviously.
11:16 PM
Hey there:
Though I've been published in one form or another for a dozen years or so, it's still a fun thrill to see my name pop up in your blog. So thanks for that!
I'm still trying to work out how to join the conversation over at the Back Room. Another couple of hours of job hunting, and then I'll get serious about it.
A pleasure meeting you, Tom, and I'm looking forward to more conversations soon.
John L.
2:12 PM
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