New Years Eve
I had three shows on New Years Eve. A Bar Mitzva in the afternoon where I did an hour of strolling and then a 30 min. show after they ate. For whatever it's worth, this was the same room as the dealers room at the 2004 PCAM Magic Convention.
Show went well. Been doing the Exploding Light Bulb a bunch this season and not really liking the way the bulb looks as it shatters . When performed correctly, it explodes, it scares me. . . . really. I look out into the audience and say, "That! is not was I was expecting! But! It does prove one thing. . . that one among you has some very special powers, and you . . . and you know who you are. . . I hope you use your powers for good." I love that riff, I try and say it all with a straight face and serious.
The next show was a house party, 45 min. show starting at 10PM. Rocked the room. . . what can I say. . . it's what I do. I love an intimate performance of 20-30 interested people. Was thinking a lot about what I had been reading in the Sankey & Osterlind books. I was really trying to connect with them, not step on their reactions and let them be as much a part of the show as they wanted.

My last gig of 2005 was at the Fenix Underground bringing in the new year with Rick & the crew from the Fenix. I got there shortly after 11 and worked until the Dusty 45's took the stage. The music started the the room swelled. I saw Emily, Maggie & Poppy and inched my way towards them. I tried to dance with Maggie, but there was no room. Someone had spilled a drink and she almost fell when I was turning her. Billy Joe, Micah and the rest of the band. . . what can I say, you guys are great!
We counted down the last 10 seconds and brought in the new year swinging.

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