Scotty Walsh Spotlight Feature
I met Scotty a few years ago when I first moved to Seattle. He was working at Market Magic at the time. I don't really recall our first meeting but he described it this way. I walked into the shop wearing my fedora, cigar in hand, big smile on my face. I introduced myself as Tom Frank from Cincinnati, Ohio. He later told me that I came across like the huckster in The Music Man. Wasn't my intention. . . . but it never is.

Anyway, he started coming around and hanging out at our back room sessions at Seattle Magic. He asked a lot of good questions and was clearly on the fast track to making quantum leaps in his magic and starting an exciting adventure as a street performer. Scotty seems to have a knack of being at the right place at the right time. I think he was hanging in the back room when Stephen Minch brought Robert Giobbi in one afternoon. The summer before last, Scotty picked up and went to work a summer in New Orleans. Next thing ya know he's staying at Harry Anderson's house. Ahhh the opportunities that busking can provide.

As many of you know I studied with Cellini during my formative years as a street performer. Scotty claims that I am his Cellini (a huge compliment). He reminds me a lot of myself at his age. Brash, fearless, fun and full of enthusiasm. A risk taker, so much so that he proposed to Becky and married her after only knowing her for 3 weeks. A divorce 3 months later didn't really surprise anyone and certainly didn't slow him down. He just moved to Cairo, Egypt with a woman a few days ago.
I have been lucky enough to watch his steady progress. He went from a guy who didn't know how to street perform, to a guy doing circle shows gathering huge crowds and making good money. Right On!!

On a more personal note I can tell you that Scotty is a good person, who cares deeply for people and magic. His interests don't stop there, he is a clown, an acrobat and a writer. He has traveled the globe as a soldier, a humanitarian, and a lover. Using magic to transcend language and borders he will grow as an artist and share the love in his heart and the magic he has to offer.
Last week he joined me at the Owl and Thistle Bar. We hung out, then went to my house where we sessioned till 6:30 in the morning. We talked cards, coins, cups and balls, linking rings, egg bag and the miser's dream. We talked about the greats of our craft, about the past present and future.
I like watching Scotty perform. We've had lengthy discussions about what he's doing and why. It's going to be fun to watch him grow, mature and come into his own as a performer and a person.
Go into the world Scotty and share all that love in your heart. Create good art and make everyday magical.
Here's a pic that Annie took of Scotty and Jake yesterday morning before they took him to the airport.

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