Tuesday Night Magic Session
Another fun night at the Alki Beach Magic Studio. The evening started with Tim bringing 3 giant subs for dinner, WOW. We wasted to time getting into the swing of the session. The first topic of discussion was Cups and Balls. Tim brought me one of his beautiful table tops to test drive. (He sells these custom sized table tops for $200 and his work is beautiful). We both ran through our routines and discussed many key points about the performance of this classic effect.
Tim shared some of what he learned at the Gazzo masterclass. He showed me how he takes a step back at the end of a sequence. This is good because it creates a bit of an applause cue as well as breaks up the routine into tasty bite size morsels. We talked about pauses and timing. Letting the audience fully appreciate each magical moment and digest it before slamming them with the next one.

Next I did a little floating live spider routine I've been working on. It looks cool as the spider moves around just floating there.

Isaac "Louie Fox" showed up sporting a travel bar and made Margarita's. When he was sufficiently lubricated, he demonstrated some dice stacking. For some, this was their first exposure to this rarely seen talent. He even had a few move that I had never seen.
Randy showed up next, followed by Philemon and Nash. Philemon brought two different bottles of Brandy and two different bottles of Cognac and was having a taste test to decide with he liked best with his pipe. Tim brought me a few cigars and we lit them up. Friends, smokes, booze & cards sounds like a session to me.
Before the boys showed up, I was working on the Ball and Cone. Buster was giving me some good advice about angles and lines of sight. When he was sitting on the couch he was looking up at me, making me have to change my posture, bend down a bit to create the proper illusion. The balls I use are pool ball size. I used to feel that it was just too big to palm, but I'm over that now and once again I realize that If I believe that it's under the cone (and I have performed the move correctly). . . it is under the cone. . . in the eyes and mind of the audience. It amazing how powerful guilt is. Incidentally, the ball is too big for me to do the standard move to the side, I've had to modify it a bit with the ball going behind the cone as I turn my body slightly and palm the ball.
During the session we played with the Ball and Cone as well
Another good night of magical friendship.
Isaac continues to amaze me with his vast repertoire of fun, innovative magical work. You are correct, I certainly have never seen dice stacking, and although isaac said his chops were rusty, it was a great performance and much fun! Just another thing to "get" on the road magical awareness!!! I am rambling... haha..
4:52 PM
I just realized that the table in the picture is the one I had been using at work, it is pulled out of my locker each night and returned in the morning... there might be a few dings in the wood work as I removed and replaced i in the locker, this table is approximately, 30 inches by 20...
11:39 PM
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