Woke up to a strange and frustrating dream
The setting was some work venue. (like the Fenix Underground or the Superbowl party in Vegas). Weird thing was, it was a very slow night. The sort of night, where it's so slow, you're performing for the employees. One of the managers wasn't too keen on paying me to entertain the help, so he sent me on an errand. He (or she, I don't recall) said, here is a plate (it was a large square ceramic dining plate with some pattern on it). I was instructed to go and buy a table to put a stack of plates on. Seemed like an easy enough request. I got in my car and went to a nearby mall and stopped at an antique store. I explained what I was looking for and didn't find anything. I went to another store and came up short. I decided to try Pier One Imports and as I'm talking to the sales person, with my hand, I feel the blank check they gave me to pay for the table. As I feel the check I hear a voice in my head, "and he's got a blank check". It was my boss who had sent me. I had my cell phone ear piece in and some of the management staff had been listening to my discussions with the sales people about the table purchase. I must have called them by accident and didn't know they were listening in. I was embarrassed, explained what happened and hung up.
I ended up buying this little table that looked more like a foot stool, it was wicker and had tiles on the top. As I held the plate close to the little table I wondered if the colors matched. My ex wife would always point out that I didn't match, and I wanted the table and the plates to match. I bought it and worried all the way back about it. Was it going to be big enough, would the color scheme and texture be what they were looking for? FUCK!!!!!!! I worked myself into such a frenzy I woke up. . . . which was good cause I got to see Buster off to school and remind him not to for get his lunch.
Here's what Wil Castor, Urban Shaman and Mage had to say about the dream
Ok, based on what I have to work with I would say the setting is a representation of your mental home... think of the setting as a representation of the inside of your subconscious... the managers probably represent the various aspects of your personality that manage you... thats why there wasnt any relevance or recall of the gender.
An empty plate represents a hunger or need for some kind of fullfillment. A table, specificaly setting one, is a representation of laying a new social foundation or groundwork for a project.
The task of looking for the right table and the anxiety around the approval of the ex kind of fall into place around those items. Your mind has tasked you with the job of finding the right foundation or social groundwork and the opportunity to recognize that this doesnt involve the ex in any way, that you dont have to include her in this decision because fuck her; the manager asked you and never mentioned getting any consult from her.
The blank check is a big thing.. it shows the internal need you have (and the implicit trust in yourself) to get this foundation and get it right at any cost.
I think the general message is that you know what you need to do to set your table, fill your plate & feed your hunger socialy. You have the resources (blank check and permission of the manager to take leave of the normal duties) to do it and though it may take a try or two (different stores) you will find what you need as long as you can shake the desire to meet the approval from any external judgement whether its your ex or your friends or your family. This whole thing is about you finding a new foundation that suits you.
The one question I have that may or may not have any relevance is what the pattern on the plate ro the tables tile work looked like? colors? busy or simple? geometric or surreal? what would you describe it as?
Dont fret to much, this is a very normal bit of anxiety that is surfacing from your subconscious as a result of the impending court showdown. Remember, this isn't about pleasing the ex or repairing any relationship, this is about you and your kids... she is just an incidental obstacle at this point. Sorry to sound like a dick but ey, its your subconscious I'm interpreting ;) hope this helps to clarify some... and of course always keep in mind I am even less an armchair psychologist than I am magician so I could also be (probably am) way full of shit.
let me know how this interpretation feels to you...
hope your enjoying the sun... if you want to smoke a cigar later on, I will be around the house.

Your interpretation was brilliant. It made me feel good and strong. Thanks for taking the time to do that for me. I appreciate your gift and your talent. You're one of a kind.
As for the patterns on the plates, they were surreal, in kind of a Van Gogh way. Dark Blue Plates with circular swirls. Funny, Buster and I were talking about Van Gogh's "Starry Night" as we peered into the rich black, star filled night before we went to bed last night.
There were 4 square tiles on the table, lighter in color than the plates but I was trying to match complementary pastel tones.
That's my story and I'm sticking with it!
Going to the market and maybe the art museum (I have passes. . . any interest?) I could pick you up at work.
Glad I could help, I think the patterns you noted on the plates further reflect my analysis based on the plate being reminiscent of what you had recently experienced with Buster and that you were looking for a way to match that with a stack of plates (Max Hope & Liam). The whole thing is pretty consistent, you have easy dreams ;)
Hope the market was kind to you yesterday, sorry I missed the invite to the museum but I had already left work and didnt have my phone with me.
Anyway, hope all is going well and that you enjoy some of the sunshie this afternoon too. I may swing down to the market to pick up a few things after I get off work @ 2. Maybe I will see you down there. If not, lets catch up soon.
ohh, I have a close frined comming into town on saturday at about 1:30 and I need to try to get him from the airport. would it be possible for me to get a ride down there or borrow your car if your going to be performing? If not I have another couple of options so its not a big deal.
either way, talk to you soon.
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