Pics and Vids from Tuesday Nights Session

The Alki Beach Magic Posse
Nasg Fung performs "Healed & Sealed" Streaming Video • Click Here

These are Jose's new Gary Animal "Babe" cups. Just beautiful cups! I always say, "You got to like a cup heavy enough to kill a man with!"
Brian Cook Performs the Linking Rings Streaming Video • Click Here

Brian hold a mini Zarrow Shuffle Worshop
I perform a trick with a chinese coin and a string Streaming Video • Click Here
A post session email from Tim Flynn
Nice session tonight! Enjoyed watching you and Brian working with the Ball and Vase! I felt a little like I shouldn't be there, but am glad I was, it was nice seeing you two interact. I got to learn a little as well. I think Brian is a great guy to have at the sessions, I can learn a lot from him!
Gallo Pitch, Zarrow shuffle, soft hands, rings be gentle...........Awesome!
Nash is really growing into quite a performer. it is really sweet to see his smiles and youth and exuberance! He is blossoming!
Mark is a good magician as well, another young up and comer!!!
On a personal note... Thank you for the rings input, it is those little, subtle touches that help me grow! Inch by inch it's a cinch....
That bag for your table is about 22 years old, not bad eh! :) I washed it inside and out, Dale McDowell had it under his deck... remember him? You golfed with him at Riverbend with me and Mike.
Also, you don't realize how much class you have Tom, José showed you his "Babe" cups and you were very positive about them. Being someone that has cups for sale, that is a rare thing to see... Most people would have made some "put down" comment. You made me proud dude! You teach me in many ways my friend!
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