Something ain't work'in in my life
It's always fucking something I tell you. If it's not one thing it's another. This morning as I tried to turn the heat on, the rude awakening, the reality wake up call said, "You sorry piece of shit, today just isn't going to be your day." OK so we're out of oil. I call the oil guy and ask if they deliver on the weekend, he says he does not, so I place an order for another 100 gallons on Monday. Now all I need the the $328 so that I can pay for the last 100 gal. and get the partial refill of a large 600 gallon tank.

While in my bed trying to dream of new and exciting ways to conserve heat there was a loud angry knock at the door. I was cold and not getting out of bed, especially to anyone whose knock sounded like that. Nope, not me. Later after showering and dressing I went to the door to see if any evidence of foul play occurred on my premises. In deed there had. I found the card of Detective from the King County Sheriffs Office and immediately thought the worst. Hell, she looked 18. . . or maybe it was those college kids all those texas hold-'em junkies, well. . . that was destined to go down that way. Kids playing a very grown up game in mixed company. Dumb as me, really. Never thought of it like that, but I guess the truth is out now. Not the brightest crayon in the box.

Anyways, I'm freaking in the cold and wondering what to do. Part of me wanted to start packing boxes. Another part of me wanted to crawl back under the covers. I called the guy back and he said he had some child support papers for me. I asked him if handcuffs would be involved, and he assured me that his days of doing that were over. Said he was happy to deliver paperwork to people. Seemed like a nice guy. I agreed to pick them up downtown next week. As I type these words, I look at them and I truly wonder, If I am the biggest fool in the world. I going to go downtown and their gonna pin the fucking Kennedy Assignation on me or some shit like that. . . this is BIG.

Too cold to street perform, hands and fingers have trouble below 50 degrees. Got to do it though. Need the cash. Maybe I should eliminate some of the more technical sequences from my performance. FUCK!!!!! Smile. . . . .
I'm gonna have a bite to eat than see If I can make any magic happen. What else can go wrong. The day is still young!
I still love you!
4:05 PM
Me Too!! And I thought I was the only one having a day like this. Hang in there Sweetie, it will all work out. And if you did kill JFK, you did it pre-natally at that!! Now THAT is some EXCELLENT Magic! Don't worry if it's the CIA/FBI/NSA after you, my contacts will be kind.
12:10 PM
But on the other hand, if it is ATF after you, you're on your own! Sorry.
12:11 PM
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