Fun @ the Alki Beach Magic Studio
Last nights session, while missing core members Steve Ameden & Tim Flynn, was still a good time discussing a variety of magic related topics.
We welcomed back new guy Clay, and welcomed another new friend named Zech Johnson. David Rudd also graced us with his presence as well as Mark, Jose, Pete, Becky (fresh back from an adventure in Italy and London) and Nash.
Early in the session a few laymen friends dropped by while walking their dog in the neighborhood. It was fun to do a round robin with each of us getting a chance to see one and other perform for laymen (always more interesting than performing for each other).

Jose asked a relevant question while exploring the notion of modifying Gazzo's patter to fit his personality. He asked about the process of developing patter and we launched into a full discussion on scripting, developing and defining performing persona and establishing a point of view. It was a hearty dialog using David's performance of the pot hole trick and a twisting routine with a kicker ending that Zech performed as examples of how to fill a routine with who you are, where your coming from and what interests you.
It's rare that we have a session where theory outweighs tricks, but this was clearly what was happening last night. We discussed resource reading including books like, Magic & Meaning, Shattering Illusions, Showmanship for Magicians as well as the Mystery School Book.

Becky told us of her travels and visiting magic shops in both London and Italy. She also brought me a few gifts. A couple of coin purses made out of fine Italian Leather and a neat big die made of marble. Thanks Becky, your a sweetheart.

This is one of the coin purses she brought me! Can't say that I ever seen a coin purse like this. It's one of my weaknesses, I kind of a nut for cool coin purses.

We also talked about David Baine (who ranked #35 for the week with 10.5 million viewers) and Keith Barry (#75 w/ 5.72 million viewers). Numbers provided by my Hollywood girlfriend. She texted messeged them to me during the session. We also discussed the interesting fact that there were two magic shows aired during sweeps. Nash had taped the Keith Barry special and we gave it a look. Very cool.

The evening ended after 1AM and everyone left happy and fulfilled.

hi tom , it is amazing the way you keep feeding this blog, i am hooked to it, i know all your life and you not even know me.
please tell jose to perform the gazzo routine in front of a camara before the patter change.
some people around the world don't have a chance to see gazzo's vids.
walid ahumada (from mexico)
5:35 PM
Walid, Jose here. I'll take your advice and video myself before any changes. Thanks for the tip.
Tom, Missing you already.
7:02 PM
looks like Pete was fulfilled, all the rest just look happy! Funy? Not funny?
3:54 AM
i want one of those coin purses, can you tell me the brand or who made it ? does it have a tag ?
4:01 PM
jose: i'll be waiting for tom to upload your video, hope you do it soon before tom makes his self vanish.
5:17 PM
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