A body in motion

Last week flew by like the Concord over the Atlantic. . . FAST.
Did a couple of gigs, some street performing, dancing, cooking, parenting, laughing, loving.
Yesterday Carrie came over and gave Polly and I a swing dance lesson. It went well. Afterwards we met Thomas Wayne for dinner. It was, Polly, Carrie, Buster, Thomas & I. Good time that continued at the little Red Hen. Danced what we learned in the lesson, Single time, basic step, triple time basic, under arm turn and a couple of other combinations. We had a blast on the dance floor. I also had a few dances with Carrie and one with Laurie. Not too shabby. Thomas liked the band and we bantered back and forth like two insufferable magic geeks. I'm trying to work on that a bit. We talked about coin purses, and card tricks while Carrie and Polly got in a dance.
My chops are strong, my act is good and I'm feeling like it's time to get back in the game.
Lots of opportunity out there
I live by a saying, "Nothing is more common than unrewarded talent"
As always the choice is mine.

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