3 Nights of Magic
Life slides by like a car hydroplaning on a wet freeway. Nothing like the first rain in a while to bring up the baked oil to the surface of the asphalt. Giddy as a schoolgirl, I skip to the bus stop in a pigtail wig. Not really, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to put that picture in your head. Oy!
Been a busy boy doing lots of nothing. Actually it's been a roller coaster of emotions around here. A couple of days ago, I tried to be a grown up by acting like a child. The only way I can describe my behavior was, that my dad's worst nightmare crawled out of my mouth. My 16 year old son had pushed me too far so I pushed back LOUDLY. I had to go to the market and work. Trying to entertain an audience when your head and your heart is somewhere else can be a challenge. I worked hard to get a good vibe going for my show, but I wasn't feeling anything from the audience. As I often do, I exercised the bad judgement to deliver one of my "not funny" jokes, "What is this, a Xanax pep rally?" I pride myself on being able to do a good show. Unfortunately the audience was not meeting my needs, so I dismissed them. I loved the look on their eyes as they acted like they though I was joking. It wasn't till I broke down my table, took my doctor's bag, smiled and said, "Buh Bye" before they realized there was to be, no show.
To my credit, once disbanded; I set up again, easily got a crowd and worked for an audience that was into it. The hat wasn't great, but that didn't matter, it was about creating the art of magical entertainment. I'm constantly puzzled by the blank stares and vacant looks in the eyes of some people. I don't get it. Did the humor fairy come?
I used to think I was funny, now I'm not so sure. I am beginning to experiment with trying to be funny, by not being funny. I'll keep you posted on that. Film at 11
Last week had 3 magic nights in a row. Tuesday Nights at the Alki Beach Magic Studio will quickly be drawing to a close. There is a heightened sense of sentimentality and emotion surrounding my impending departure. I was never comfortable with the Guru status that the community seems to give me. I was just a guy with a dream. It's been fun. Neil from Scotland is in town and was ready to dive into some serious discussions about card magic. Tuesday night was well attended and many topics were discussed. I attempted to perform Dingle's Out Flushed for the gang and flubbed it badly, in a way that I have never done in all my years of performing it.
I would get a "do over" the following night in Tacoma. Nash, Neil & I met, Steve Dobson, Jack Carpenter, Rick Anderson and Wil Conine down at the Poodle Dog Restaurant. At a round table in the Pup Bar, we showed each other tricks and discussed secrets and technique. Both Steve and Rick helped my progress as I continue to try and improve the playing card insertion for the panoramic shift.

Jack working with Neil on some dealing moves.

Rick Anderson and Nash

Some of da boyz

Jack Carpenter

Wil's balance

Wil Conine
Thursday Night Jose was over for a private lesson. We went over two strong pieces of magic: The Tricky Wallet Trick and Out Flushed. It was a good lesson.
Trickey Wallet Video
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