A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Goodbye Seattle

Life is filled with adventure

Life is filled with magic

Some is wonderful and some is tragic

So ends another chapter in my life. No, scratch that. This is really a whole new book I'm about to start. Same story, different book. . . kind of like Lord of the Rings.

Whatever. . . What I'm trying to say, is that this blog is really part of the last story. Getting my drift? I'll probably finish up when I get to LA. Maybe one more post to tell you all that I arrived safe and sound.

It's been an interesting experiment to become an online living soap opera. But as with most shows, eventually they get cancelled.

Thanks for all the support, friendship & love.

The haze has lifted and I'm finally through it.

All I can say about where I'm at is. . . "YOU AIN"T SEEN NOTHING YET!!!!!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tom:

Well Dang. Sounds like I might not get a chance to say goodbye! It was good starting a friendship with you. Thanks for bringing me in on the Tuesday night sessions; I learned a lot and continue to learn a lot.

Best of luck in LA, and may you work no harder than you want to.

And blog or no, stay in touch! Or should we start reading Variety a little more often?

Take care my friend,

John Longenbaugh

7:17 PM

Blogger Sam said...

Hey Tom,

Thanks for sharing your life with us. It was really an honor to meet you at World Magic Seminar this year. Hopefully, I'll run into you since you're moving down my way!



9:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom my friend,
I didn't get by on your last hurrah. I have been inundated with Connor's All Star playoffs. We lost the District Championships, and Connor is heartbroken. I am heartbroken too, seeing my friend off to his new life. I wish you only the brightest and the best, you really deserve it. You helped clear some clouds in my skies, Tom, and I will never forget it. My move to Seattle was really soothed by your unconditional welcome. You have been a good friend, and I will miss you. Tuesday nights will never be the same. Hey, this will be signed anonymous since I can't remember my password, but this was from Mark, your gimpy, smoking hating, gray haired, book reading, bud. All my love, pal.


12:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uncle Tom,

I am not going to lie... I am upset that you are going to discontinue your blog. I love you so much and it is pretty much the only means of knowing what's going on in your life, now that the person who kept me informed is no longer around.

I would have loved to gotten to know Polly through your blog, as I have gotten to know you better through it. I now look at you through the eyes of an adult (well sorta), rather than the child who used to be at your ankles constantly.

Even through these adult eyes, you still mysitify me with your magic, and not just your "tricks"... but yourself. I love you very much.

Please keep in touch.


3:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi tom :
i used to follow your blow, and i like to tell you thanks for sharing a lot of you. however i belive you owe us some of the "Tuesday night sessions" i wonder if you video-tape some stuff. specially i would like to see some cups and balls performances.
txs. for every thing, i wish i can help you whit some mexican-hispanic jokes or some thing to put in your routin since you gonna be around of hispanic people.

6:23 PM

Blogger Mary said...

All the more power too you!

Much love and I'm very proud of you. But you know that already.

Keep the circus peanuts and caramel fresh and give Polly my love too.


7:52 AM


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