A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Lucky and Blessed

I count my blessings daily. . . and there are many. I'm always surprised that anyone seeks out or finds the distant corner or cyberspace that is my blog. I feel a certain amount of comfort and strength in sharing my innermost thoughts, feelings, fears and triumphs. Thank you all for being a part of my journey. Thank you for your advice, thank you for your thoughts and thank you for. . . you. . . whoever and where ever you are.

Today I shared with the visitors of Pike Place Market the love and magic of who I am. It's a simple quest, to make people happy with my magic. I stood on that newspaper box and gave of myself. I looked into the crowd at the smiling faces, at the wide eyes of children and the dropped facades of adults. I could hear the murmer of, "How'd he do that" and "do it again". As the rings silently pass through one another, my heart filled with the notion that I was doing it for them. Not because I expected any money in my hat, or anything for that matter; but because it was what I was always supposed to do.

I am lucky to have a job that fills me with life. It's a simple dream. . . . I hope I never wake up.

Life. . . Love. . . & Magic


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did your date go?

4:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, share the experience ...... did you two find the time spent enjoyable?

9:46 PM


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