I get to the Country Fair

Saturday morning I arrived at the the fairgrounds shortly after the gates opened at 11:00AM. It started with the people helping get the cars parked. "WELCOME TO THE FAIR!", "Have a good fair" Smiles as far as the eye could see. These were no fake shit smirks, these were these genuine well wishers, to their freaking country fair!! When they say, "Have a good fair". . . they mean it! I had loaded up my rig, consisting of my two wheeler: table top and tray jack, my doctor's bag, a knapsack with my rings a sweatshirt and a few bottles of water. . . oh and some trail mix. Wearing my trusty buskers pouch and wearing my custom made felt hat I walked through the gates smoking my cigar. I got to the security check point. I started to unzip the back pack saying I was a magician. She asked if I had any glass, I said no, that was it. Right on, "Have a good fair!" she hollered at me with a twinkle in her eye.
The fair site was huge. A labyrinth of paths some leading to and containing entertainment stages, art/craft booths, bizarro workshop/education tent structures for meditation, yoga etc. . . fun everywhere you look. The smell of freshly cooked food mingled with some of the sickest pot I have ever smelled. Did I get that right? I heard some kid say, "Man this is some SICK weed". Another street performer was saying, Nugs, Hugs and Loves. . . I take it all. After walking around for 10 minutes I could feel that it was going to be a great day!
Showing up to an event like this as a street performer, with the idea of banking some cash while spreading the love, requires a certain set of skills. Finding the right place to set up is key. My plan was to give it the once over and see what I could about where I wanted to set up. I saw lots of places that would work. Lots of nooks, forks and intersections that made for potential show sites. Then I saw it, a little area just off the main path. . . . with a little stage!! Wow. . . built just for me. . . I dig it!! I set up and got to work.
The audiences were terrific. My shows were tight and my hats full. I was having a great time!
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