Grizzly Man

Tonight Buster and I went to see Grizzly Man at the Admiral Theater here in West Seattle. All I knew about it was what I read off the theater web site
"Grizzly activist Timothy Treadwell journeyed to Alaska and spent 13 summers living among grizzly bears, until his passion brought about his demise. After spending many years getting close to the bears and documenting them, Treadwell and his girlfriend are killed and eaten by one of the very animals to whom he had devoted years of study".
I was familiar with the films director Werner Herzog. I told buster about his unique vision and film making / story telling skills in films that I had seen of his such as NOSFERATU & FITZCARRALDO.
This is one of the best films that I've seen in a long time. It had so many of the elements that fascinate me and inspire me as I work on my own story telling projects. Herzog artfully puts together this chilling documentary using Timothy Treadwell's own footage. Footage that took us into the heart and soul of the man. We heard him tell his own story, supplemented with interview footage from his friends, family and even the coroner.
What I loved most about this movie, was that it was real life. . . for this unique man. His bizarre vision and his dedication to his dream was obsessive. His story was rich and full. Possibly manic depressive, he overcame problems with drugs and alcohol and the vision that saved his life. . . killed him. As we got to know the man, we heard from his own mouth. . . that's what he wanted. Ironic? JR would say, "coincidental".
Buster and I give it two thumbs up! Funny, I never even heard of this movie. Now at the cheapies, guess it didn't do well in the 1st run theaters. Documentary's rarely do.
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