The Metropolitan Grill
Last night I performed at the Metropolitan Grill. They threw a party for the local concierges to thank them for sending business their way. It was a delightful affair. Nothing wrong with free booze and food. . . especially at the Met! (Thank you Julie Wilson for the gig. . . and the dancing). Julie also booked Micah to play the keyboard for the party. We worked this party together last year as well. Here is the room we worked. It's one of the smaller private dining rooms availibe at the Met. They removed the dining tables and replaced them with a few cocktail tables. This room also features a full bar which is not in the picture at the end of the room and to the left. The room is L shaped.

I was surprised how many people remembered me from last year. I remembered some of the guests, but not many. I used to worry about repeat gigs and having new material, but then I woke up and smelled the clothes I was wearing. I think magicians flatter themselves to think that someone remembers what tricks they did a year ago. There was a guy who remembered that I did something with silver dollars last year, but was amazed (again) at the 6 tricks I do. I love working The Met! I decided to sport white tie and tails for the event. A good time was had by all, so much so, that they had trouble clearing the room when the party was over.
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