Visit with my kids today
This morning Buster and I were up at 8AM and out by 9AM on our way to Ellensburg to visit with Max, Hope & Liam. Buster read to me on our 2 hour trip over the Cascade Mountains. He's reading 1984 for school. We had a great time with the kids. Walked around town a bit, went to McDonald's for lunch, played in the playland and went to a movie. The 5 hour visit went by far too fast. I've asked Moira on more than one occasion to let me pick the kids up earlier and keep them later, but for whatever reason I only get them from 11AM to 4PM. This sucks but I hope to move things forward through mediation soon.

We went to see Zathura a film the kids were excited about seeing. Liam and Hope both took a turn sitting in my lap when the movie got tense. I love my kids and miss them more than I could ever express. But I am accepting of my situation and at peace.

The trip home is always a little tough as I hate to say goodbye. I found out this visit that Moira had put Misty to sleep. Misty was the golden retriever that we got shortly after we were married. I trained that dog and she was a wonderful addition to our growing family. I haven't seen her in a couple of years with the restraining orders and all, but I will miss her.
Moira has already replaced the dog much like she has replaced me. Oh well. . .

Zathura (Video Clip Click Here)

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