In my "In Box" from Sylvester The Jester

Hey Tom,
What's happenin' I have been workin hard even though Ive hardly been working. I started writing some stuff for my hour show. A routine with a ugly drunkn puppet and a kinda monologue thingy. I was hoping to get some feed back from some friends and you fit that bill in spades.
the objective of this monologue was not only to fill a certain amount of time but to create a stronger connection with the audience in a way that is still funny.
Whadda ya think? There will be some sound and visual effects accompanying the whole thing.
You guys, act like ya never seen a real live cartoon before. But there are thousands of us! Most are in politics.. But some, are right here in this room.. They?re not so easy to spot though. Fact is, not everyone is as comfortable with their own cartoonity as me. Sadly, most of us live in denial of our cartoonal tendencies, living a secret life as a closet cartoon. But I say, that if you have a cartoon spirit trapped inside your body; you can bet your acme rocket shorts that it?s dyin? t? come out! So look at each other..and look at yourself. Could you be a closet cartoon?
How do others see you? Be honest. When you walk by to they, snicker or point? Do they ask you what country your from even though you?ve lived here your whole life? If so,you?re probably a closet cartoon. So check your hair! Do you have big hair and a little head? Very little hair on a big head. Or hair everywhere, except on your head? Thing is you don?t have bad hair, You?re just a cartoon and don?t know it. And what about your ears? Oh, how about that nose? And stuff growing out of your ears nose? That?s just the top of you? How about your body? Is your body funny? Let me tell you it is! And it don?t just look funny! It smells funny too. Heck, I bet it even make sound effects! (fart) But, no need to excuse yourself, here, just let it out!
But thats just your looks. How about this? Does Wilma Flintstone give you a woody? Does Fred give you a woody? Does Woody give you a Freddy?
Stop living in denial, the fact is, others may know the truth, long before you. Outwardly you look as normal as me but inside (grin) there a cartoon trying to get out! And it can make ya do stuff too!
Ever smashed your finger with a hammer? Poked your self in the eye? Or picked at a little hang nail and ended up pealed your entire finger like a banana? That smarts. Or ever try to eat something so hot, you need a skin graft afterwards. Whose put jumper cables on there nipples? Or licked a red curling iron or the bumper of a car in a snow storm? (tongue) Ill admit it!
If you?ve answered, ?ya - ya dats me.? to any of these then head on over to your nearest acme retail store and ask for a complete make over! Cause there?s a new world waiting for ya!
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