Just getting through the holidays. . . .
Doing the best that I can. Wish I had more gigs to take my mind off my loneliness. I have 3 gigs on the 31st! A Bar Mitzvah in the afternoon, A New Years Eve Party around 8 and another later in the evening. I love working New Years Eve, I think it's a great way to bring in the New Year. . . working. . . . making money.

Spent a couple of days visiting my Dad & Step Mom. My pops and I hung out on Wednesday, I took him with me to the Owl and Thistle. I think he had a good time. I went out to Maple Valley and visited for a few hours Christmas Afternoon. It was nice seeing my Step Mom, Fulke, Steph, Wincel and their 2 kids Nathan & Rachel. I have to get a grip and stop this shit I torment myself with. Things will either get better or not. . . I need to fix my head. Maybe someday my kids will know the truth. All I wanted to do was spend time with them. By the time I had the time, it was too late and now . . . well. . . . you know the score.

A get a little better every day. I'm learning the real meaning of letting go.
Tom, just a note to extend best wishes for a positive 2006. Many of us are regular readers of your blog and can appreciate the challenges that you've faced to date.
Stay positive, focus on the wonderful things life does have to offer....your children, the ability to use your talents to bring a smile to the faces of so many people when you perform and the strong friendships you've made over the years.
9:14 AM
Thanks Mac. I appreciate the nice words.
11:03 AM
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