Tuesday Night Magic Session

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Last night's session was a frenzy of magic. Well attended by some of Seattle's magic enthusiasts. Steve Ameden, Tim Flynn, Soloman Notik, Scotty Walsh, Philemon, Jose, Chad Rees, Gary McKibben aka Professor Gizmo, Tom Boland (first time ant our Tuesday Night session), Nash Fung, Robert Stephens and yours truely.
A good time was had by all. . . . I hope so, the session at 5:45AM.
I love jamming on magic, hanging out with other magicians and discussing psycology, technique, performance and art in magic. Sol and I discussed the book "Strong Magic" by Ortiz. We both liked it a lot and talked how it had effected the way the we perform. Tim busted out his Cups and Balls Routine, with his big Gazzo Cups , Jose Pouch, and Tim Flynn Table Top. Nice Job Tim! Here's a not I got from Tim this AM
Thanks for the session, I am glad you are feeling better... Thanks for the top change info...
What in my cups and balls will make it better, I realize you don't like to ctitque these things because you know that no one really wants to hear their mistakes, but enough time had passed that I can take it...
Steve said I was flashing the extra ball while holding out with the wand, good stuff... Chad said that it is too many oranges and that by the time I got to the 5th and 6th loads it was obvious where they were coming from, I stated that that is probably true but that a layman would be mis directed by the revelation of a ball or something... you stated that as well a little later, I am not trying to defend or rationalize but laymen are different...prof. Gizmo said that 6 oranges seems a little too busy... I kinda agree, anyway, I have spent a lot of money on this routine, cups and pouch etc.... I greatly appreciate your insight and honesty in this matter, Truly I just want to develop a superb routine. I thought perhaps the routine I am doing is too long, or does not "flow" well, at other times it seems to go just fine....
Blah, blah, blah....
you are still welcome to come by Saturday, should be a great feast. You can come by at the last minute as well, no pressure...
Love to you,
Your friend
I'm a lucky guy to have the friends I do. Lucky and blessed. We have a good time and are all interested in growing as artists, performers and magicians.
I attempted to perform my three card mental problem and the 12 card mental problem and failed on both accounts. Well. . . . sometimes it just goes that way.
I look so good in every picture!
2:12 AM
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