I love my kids. They make me proud. I wish I saw the little kids more. . . I'm continuing that fight.

Buster and I spend a lot of time together, just the two of us. Last night, Buster asked if I would mind making him breakfast in the morning, before he had to leave for school. I told him I would be delighted. He's a great kid! Yesterday I took him to Guitar Center to get some more guitar strings and a stand for his new acoustic guitar. When we got home, I did something with him that I never thought in a million years I would be doing with my son. . . . we re-dyed his hair which had faded a lot since he had it done around Thanksgiving. It was a tedious process of applying vaseline around the area we wanted to color (as not to dye areas that he didn't want colored). I put on rubber gloves and did it up. I think he's happy with the job.

This evening he surprised me by spending a couple of hours cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom. He scrubbed out the sink and tub with Ajax, cleaned out the toilet bowl, used mold and mildew cleaner on the ceiling and did a great job on both rooms. I asked him why he wanted to do that. He reminded me of a conversation that we had a few months ago. He was in the habit of asking if there were any jobs around the house that I wanted him to do. I explained to him that it wasn't just my home, but OUR home. There is never a shortage of domestic chores that could be done around the house. He took the initiative to do some things that needed to be done. . . without being asked, I think that's progress! He also remembered to take out the garbage last night and bring in the trash can and recycling bin without me having to remind him. Last night after he did the dishes, I thanked him. He then in turn thanked me for putting food on the dishes so that they could be cleaned. I'm not sure if this is normal behavior for a teenage boy. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

I still make his lunch everyday and put a note in there, like I have done since he was a child. Now he is a maturing young man.
What magically did impress me the most on the first picture with Buster having his breakfast/eggs, was the background containing lots of equal sized fotografs of well known magicians.
Only a true magic lover and buff does have a such well placed collection, that no doubt did take a lot of time to get decorated that way.
This also goes for the extensive collection of C&Bs earlier seen on other pictures on that blog.
Some of the magicians on these pictures I immediately could recognize, where a young Ed Marlo,
Albert Goshman,Derek Dingle, and probably a young David Copperfield (here I'm not sure, as the picture is partly not visible, actually I think it is NOT DC)
On the top left bottom, from the body position it could look like Ed Keener, but I'm 100% sure
it isn't. In any case a very interesting collection of pics of the well known and beloved ones of our craft.
Could be interesting Tom, if you one day could put up at your blog a 'tour' around the house, revealing more of your collection of C&Bs, fotografs and deslike, magic related collection
Looks really to me, that so incredibly MUCH time and effort is invested in this.
It was also very interesting to read the story from that guy at *PeaceLove's Musings Blog*
about the life and times of Tom Frank..
I always love to get an inside in the life of the *REAL* devoted magic buffs..
I always thought, I was crazy-the wife most certainly does- when it comes to 'magic' and collecting crazy magic related things, but seeing some of your collection, puts me in a 'being normal' state.. :)
Thanx for that :)
Have to draw my wifes attention to your blog ;)
BTW, I also have to mention that I enjoyed and loved your performance/handling of the C&Bs
that differs highly from the standard/default handling mostly seen by so many -even professional-performers.
Se another approach, my own humble handling, that isn't usefull/practical to do on
the street, and also isn't a C&B approach, but similar at:
Benson Bowl http://www.youtube.com/?v=NGXD6sWwZCc
and some other silly stuff:
CTTT http://www.youtube.com/?v=twpv9fv1jqA
A session w. Bobby Bernard http://www.youtube.com/?v=7ypxyNsOvqQ
Improvised CTTT http://www.youtube.com/?v=8-aSMN6u7K4
Cigarproduction http://www.youtube.com/?v=YBz57xFBVZY
just as a little feedback re the captures you put up at your blog and I had so much pleasure in watching..
None of the above really is for streetwork. Pls. don't forget to scroll down below the uppopping frame at *You Tube*, where there are mostly some comments re these captures ..it's all old stuff..
2:26 AM
Please give Buster a message for me... I am very proud of him (he will know what I am talking about).
8:31 PM
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