Tim Flynn, one heck of a nice guy
On Friday I was surprised by a visit from my buddy (and core member of the Tuesday Night Sessions) Tim Flynn. He dropped by to give me a wonderful gift. Another load of fire wood that he had chopped in his backyard out in Maple Valley. We had a mini magic session with the topic being Misers Dream. Tim's production of 5 silver dollars from Downs Palm was really coming along. Evidently he practices while he drives. We had a bowl of clam chowder, listened to some music and talked magic. A real nice afternoon. Thanks Tim, I hope you know how much I appreciate your friendship. . . . and the wood!

Tim backed up his pick up in my back yard. We unloaded the wood next to my (back) kitchen door.

Man, Great pic of me, I look like death warmed over! Haha... I just got off worka t 6 am friday and loaded up a bunch of wood, drove to Toms and here I am, it is about 2 or three in the morning comparitively for you normal hour working stiffs... speaking of stiffs, look at the guy in the picture... what a stiff!
2:11 AM
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