
Took a couple of interesting calls Wednesday. One from my friend Greg Irwin, the finger fitness and hand health expert. He was telling me about the video footage the he and DEVO from Superhandz shot. His idea was to have a DVD of hand and finger exercises specifically for the magician market. I like the idea, as I am well aware of the benefits of his system. In fact, when I had my magic shop; it was the only one in the world with full service finger fitness and hand health department . We carried over a dozen different products. These items were also great for people with arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, magicians, musicians and anyone interested in maximizing the efficiency of their digits.
Later in the day I got a call from Tony Miller in Columbus, OH. He's preparing to have a great time at the 75th Anniversary of the Magi-Fest. It was good to talk to him and catch up a bit. It's been 4 or 5 years since I've seen or heard from him. He's a nut who's been in the biz a long time. I don't think I've ever seen any of his products, so I can't really comment; but from what I hear he makes nice trick wallets out of leather and a bunch of other tricks.
At 4:30PM Buster and I met with Joe (his coordinator) at NOVA. I asked for this meeting to review last semester, verify that Buster is on track with credits and verify graduation requirements. Everything looks good. Buster seems motivated, he's getting most of his work done; and as he says, "He's the model NOVA student". Yeah. . . we'll see about that.
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