Monday night at the movies

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Last night I took Gail to see this movie about Johnny Cash. I never thought that I would be a Johnny Cash fan, but after a year or so of honky tonk drinking and dancing at the Owl & Thistle grooving to the sounds out the Vinyl Avengers; I am a true fan his music.
Good flick. My only complaint about these sort (biographical) of movies is that Hollywood tends to spend more time on the persons faults and shortcomings than on their artistic contributions. To reduce the whole of a persons career and offerings to that of a pill popping beer swilling honky tonk singer seems a shame. As in the movie Chaplin staring Robert Downey Jr., to me it seemed that they spent a disproportionate amount of time on his love affairs with 15 year old girls and the trouble that got him in. These were great artists and like most people had their problems, but they were SOOOOOO much more than their problems and the movies rarely spend as much time on how they overcame their obstacles. Oh well, I guess it's the other more ugly stuff that sells tickets.
Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash
I hear the train a comin'; it's rollin' 'round the bend,
And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when.
I'm stuck at Folsom Prison and time keeps draggin' on.
But that train keeps rollin' on down to San Antone.
When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son,
Always be a good boy; don't ever play with guns."
But I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
When I hear that whistle blowin' I hang my head and cry.
I bet there's rich folk eatin' in a fancy dining car.
They're prob'ly drinkin' coffee and smokin' big cigars,
But I know I had it comin', I know I can't be free,
But those people keep a movin', and that's what tortures me.
Well, if they freed me from this prison, if that railroad train was mine,
I bet I'd move on over a little farther down the line,
Far from Folsom Prison, that's where I want to stay,
And I'd let that lonesome whistle blow my blues away.
We bought the flick about a week ago.. Enjoyed it. I agree about the Negativity of films, Ive seen 4 on Elvis, and they all make him out as a pill poppin Horn-dog....Well maybe there is SOME truth....:)
2:28 PM
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