You wouldn't think. . .

Buster wanted stir fry for dinner last night. While cutting up chicken and veggies (after sharpening the knife), I cut the tip of my finger. It was just a little nick, no big deal. . . . until I got to work. I had put a band-aid on it and didn't anticipate a problem. Needless to say it was. I couldn't do some of my fancy cuts or pop out moves with the band-aid on so I took it off. That helped a bit but I still ran into trouble with my riffle shuffle work. While performing the multiple card selection at the Fenix I missed all 10 cards. SHIT you wouldn't think a tiny ding like this would have any impact. The cut on my finger is exactly where that finger contacts the left edge of the cards as they stick out and are ready to the pushed in the deck. Perhaps I should have mixed it up and used a different multiple card control. Actually I got it together and modified my handling just a tad.
All in all a good night at work.
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