Dean's Box
Friday I performed the Dean's Box both on the street at the Market and at the Fenix Underground Night Club. It's a beautiful illusion full of mystery. Performing it in both of these environments was night and day. . . . literally.
I typically find it a bit slow and too cerebral for my audiences on the street, but I'm working to change my feelings and expectations in that regard. If I am to get to a new level in my ability to connect with my art as a street performer and with that, a deeper connection with the audience. I need to feel and fill a new space. I need to challenge their attention span and their capacity for content. I feel myself changing, I feel the desire to grow and mature as a performer.

This is not a funny routine , and I keep my jokes (that aren't funny) to a minimum. It's a talking routine typically, but at the Fenix Underground last night where a very LOUD AC/DC cover band was playing I performed in pantomime.
It worked both ways which says a lot about the illusion.
Performing this piece of art to"Highway to Hell". . . . Oy!

Photo's by Tim Flynn
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