More Pics From Friday

Performing the fastest card trick in the world. I've always thought that being a bit unshaven was an asset to a street performer. Not more than a day or two of growth. I believe that this creates a subliminal message of neediness.

I use card tricks to gather the crowd. Once I've got the core audience then I move into the meat of the action, the cups and balls, coins, rings etc. . .

I'm not sure when I started doing this, but it has worked out to be a very cute bit. After the show is over, it's not uncommon for a kid to come up to me and ask how the rings are done, or if they can try it. I say sure and hand him two rings. I tell him (or her) to take the rings and smash them together really hard. They seem disappointed that they can't do it. I gently explain that they're not saying the magic words. I make them recite the magic words and they magically link the rings all by themselves. In the last picture, the kid is saying the magic words.
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