Spotlight Feature • Lee Asher
How do I say it? I guess I just say that I'm a big Lee Asher fan. It goes deeper than that though. I like to consider myself a card man. I spent most of my life in pursuit of good magic with cards as an emphasis. Finally meeting Lee a few years ago was an awakening.
Lee and I had similar backgrounds, although I'm a decade older than him; he is light years ahead of me. We both started our magic careers working at magic shops at the tender age of eleven. I worked for Haine's House of Cards in Cincinnati, and he worked for Daytona Magic in Florida. Part of this early training was going to magic conventions and demonstrating in the booth. We both did this for years.
Flash forward, at 17 Lee moved to Las Vegas where he attended and graduated from the UNLV (The University of Las Vegas) with a degree in Hospitality with an emphasis in Casino Management. I guess it was there where he took "How not to get fucked with 101" I think for the final they taught the kids to loose the baseball bats and use words and lawyers.

Here's Lee with Rob Stiff blowing hot air.
So what am I trying to say here? I don't know. I dig Lee and everything he's about. You got to dig a dude who moves from Florida to Eugene, Oregon cause of the crunchy lifestyle that the Pacific Northwest provides. For those of you who don't know what that means, I'll give it to you in a nutshell. Crunchy as in granola, a wholesome lifestyle that includes lush green landscapes, mountains, and loving life to the fullest.
Lee is spearheading a grass roots movement that advocates magical artists rights and intellectual property. He seems to be able to identify trends in technology as it relates to our art in a way that is wise beyond his years. He truly wants to see the power / control put back in the rightful hands of the magicians who innovate and create the work. More power to you Lee, and all the other creative magicians who shouldn't be so fast to sell out their life's work for short sighted gains.
I've had the pleasure and honor of having Lee as a guest in my home and being one in his. Our late night sessions were epic and rarely has anyone fooled me as badly as he did again and again with the same fucking move for every classic theme. Yes, I'm talking about Pulp. I'm talking about collectors, triumph, ambitious all with this revolutionary application of an obscure concept.
Bla Bla Bla, Lee is cool, buy his shit. Hell, I bought the Ghost Twist DVD tonight just so I could trade it in.
Lee, you know I love you. . .
Keep up your good work changing the world, one fuck head at a time.
Tom, thanks for clearing this up. I kind of thought it was something like this, but couldn't tell from the last entry. You have made it quite clear to this foggy head now, and I appreciate it. Hey, if anyone can get things back on track for the magic world, it will take Lee's kind of creativity.
10:48 AM
the guy blowing hot air coud be waering shorts to show his legs .
he does't look irish. ;-)
5:23 PM
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