A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

4th of July

Happy forth of July as we celebrate Independence Day.

I am busy boxing things up in preparation for my move to Los Angeles. Buster will fly to Cincinnati for the summer and, as if in a giant puff of smoke; I will disappear from the Emerald City of Seattle only to reappear in Kansas, in drag, singing Judy Garland's part, badly.

Buster and I cooked out burgers in the back yard before he split with three chicks. So, here I am, taking a break from the cardboard and tape.

Polly and I have been talking about all of the history you run across while going through your shit. We love our shit, what can we say. I have a box full of cigar boxes that I'm just not ready to part with. Larry Pringle used to keep his magic props organized in cigar boxes. Card to Wallets, Himber Wallets, Z Fold Wallets in one box, Another filled with gaffed cards, and more still containing various clips, holders and fasteners, balls of all sizes, leather coin purses filled with a variety of tricks.

We talked about the pictures we were running across. Distant memories of the children we once were. Time flies by. What a long strange trip it's been.

I'm so fucking happy!!!

I have a strong intuitive feeling that things are going my way. The core of those feelings stem from a total commitment to move my life forward and to celebrate life, liberty in the pursuit of happiness. . . every single day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that LA works out better than Seattle did...

Good luck on your new adventure

10:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that LA works out better than Seattle did...

Good luck on your new adventure

10:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Find any caramel covered circus peanuts? Pick the fuzz off of 'em and enjoy!! Much love to you both!! Some Chick in Tbilisi

12:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, your things are stuff... her stuff is shit ;)... just ask George Carlin!

6:52 PM


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