To risk everything on dream that only you can see
Was a line from Million Dollar Baby which Buster and I went to at the cheapies this afternoon. I related to that line on a deep and profound level. The movie with it's surprise sad ending pulled on my heart strings. Winner of 4 Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Director. I like Clint Eastwood's work as an actor and director.

I liked the scenes where she is buying stuff with all her rolled up tip money. I thought it provided an interesting texture about who she was and her lifestyle. Incidently, I paid our $9 to see the flick in quarters, and another $9 in nickles and dimes for the large popcorn combo w/ soda's and free Reece's Pieces.
I've always thought I had a couple of good movies in me. I'd like to tell a story that people would like. Guess we'll just see.
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