This morning Buster was up and out, back to school after a nice 4 day holiday weekend with him mom. Last night when we dropped Cricket and Larry back off at the Marriott Waterfront, I asked them if they would like a lift to the airport in the morning. They were appreciative when I dropped them off shortly after 9 this morning. I think they liked Seattle and hopefully they got a got idea of the life that Buster and I have made here. Last night after dinner we came back to my place and Buster gave them the nickel tour. We hung out a bit and Buster played the guitar for everyone. Cricket praised his progress. Before dropping them off we drove them by Buster's school.
Waking up this morning, we tried to crank on the heat. . . no go. That sucks, it was chilly in the house. Freezing outside about 50 degrees in the house. Before I left the house this morning I called Seattle Oil and ordered another 100 gallons. When I got home, after the drop off at the airport; I popped in a DVD and bundled up under a comforter and put a silly hat on to keep my bald head warm. Last week we rented Young Frankenstein for a paper that Buster was writing for school. While he had watched it, I had not and today was the day, before I take it back. Brilliant piece of work from Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks. After the film, I watched the documentary on how the film was made. Fascinating, the process of making good comedy.

The oil guy came around 12:30 and I had to cough up $311.52 for the last 100 gallons I bought less than a month ago. Ouch.
Buster came home from school around 2:30PM. We hung out and brainstormed on movie ideas. We have a month to put something together to submit to the Short Film Competition at the Desert Magic Seminar. Later we had dinner them watched Monday Night Football. Colts buried the Steelers and sustained their undefeated season making them 11-0. . . yeah baby. Good game, very entertaining.
Prepared a couple sets of cups to be shipped, and that's about it. Very liesurely day. Was glad to have heat in the house a bit after noon.
Peace out
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