Last night's Net Flix
In-between working the market and working the Fenix Underground, after our sunset walk on the beach and while we ate our stir-fry, Buster and I enjoyed watching "The Island", a great action movie! We gave it two thumbs up. If you haven't seen it and like action flicks, you must check it out!

Scary stuff... makes you really want to vote for euthanasia (sp)... Imagine in the computer age we live in if a couple doctors across America had a way of keeping track of what each others medical patients needs were... and if some doctors' patient needed a heart or liver or... they could kill people while they were having routine operations and sell the body parts to their doctor friend network across America! Big bucks, the rich are on a waiting list and a certain patient comes in and has "just the right" match!.... Hey that sounds like a made for T.V. movie!!!
3:58 PM
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