Off the web • Pics from the weekend
Came across these pics off the web. This is as recent as yesterday. I wish I had a buck for every photo that someone took of me. Let's just hope that they had the good taste to leave a tip when I passed the hat. One should hope. . . .but I know better.

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This silent penetration of the rings is probably the strongest visual and magical moment in my show. I wish the rest of my show was this strong. It took me years to deal with the lack of response at this moment and really embrace the notion that people are just dumbfounded at that moment. This weekend I tried something new. I counted to 5 in my head waiting for some response. After several seconds people would start to clap. Sometimes they didn't. I am starting to realize that even lack of response. . . is a response.

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Here I am telling the crowd to come in towards the curb. I have always secretly liked stopping traffic with my crowds. The real secret in crowd management is tightening up the crowd, making it difficult for people to leave.

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I see this in every audience, people taking pics of me with their phones. I always wonder why they would do that.

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I don't do this trick to often, the old vanishing hanky trick. I love the line, "I have a little hanky here that you can wave at will" , then in my gayest manner, wave the silk and say "Hi Will!"
Funny or not funny?
Funny! It is a good line!
9:18 PM
Gazzo uses one similar, he says, " I just want to point out." As he points out....
9:19 PM
I've always found the line painful. :-/
12:00 PM
I agree with anonymous. It's the sort of vague queer baiting that's long past it's useful life (like jokes about "my wife's cooking" in the Fifties). Unless you have a gay themed act, this sort of joke is obsolete.
Be in the vanguard of the change you want to see in the world; don't take cheap shots ridiculing gays.
12:13 PM
Total agreement with anon. I have cringed every time I have heard you use that line.
If you are spring cleaning your script, dump the line about the mic cord and your mother giving you more cord.
Note to Tim - Huh?
7:51 AM
note to anonymous, if you are going to remain anonymous..... I will not answer to, huh?
The gays are so uptight... reminds me of going out with friends and my black buddies would always bring up the racial minority issue, whites never do that... we just wanted to go out, have a few drinks and party!
I never looked at it as a "homosexual" joke....
I bet most people "miss" it too.
Get over yourself, and get into a more diverse crowd and you might quit focusing on yourself.
6:40 AM
Interesting read!!
greets Anschi
5:23 AM
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