My teenage son
Today while I was finishing up working at the market, I got a call from Buster. He wanted to know if he could hang out with friends after school. I asked him what time I could expect him home for dinner. he said 6:30-7PM. I told him I would start dinner at 6:30 and that we would eat at 7PM and not to be late.
Although we had another sunny day, the Monday traffic was light. My goal was to make enough money for some groceries. I thought Buster my like Calamari for dinner so I went to City Fish to buy some.

If Buster isn't home by dinner time, I eat without him. 7:00 came and went with no Buster. By 7:30 I was getting worried. He called at 8PM to tell me he was going to be late. I explained to him that you don't call someone an hour after you were supposed to be somewhere to tell them you were going to be late. I was pissed. He said that he had talked to me at 6:15 and didn't I remember? What was this shit!
By the time he got home it was 9PM. I was not happy. But this is a very tricky situation, come down to hard and it will backfire on you, not hard enough and you'll get walked all over.
Buster and I have an excellent loving, honest and open relationship. I cut him a lot of slack, but he knows exactly what is important to me. He said that he called me and thought I was using a funny voice, he said he would be home late and that I said OK.
I took the time to explain to him that when he calls me to tell me that he's going to be late, after we had agreed on a time that he had already picked, I would most certainly not be using a funny voice or taking it lightly.
He started to cry. I was confused, I don't see my son cry very often. I asked him what was going on. He said that after our last phone discussion he knew he had mistaken someone else's voice for mine on the phone and he knew I wasn't happy.
I told him how much I loved him and how important he was to me. I told him how much I worry when he isn't home when he says he will be. He knew that and was disappointed in himself. I asked him what else was bothering him, and he confided in me that he had been thinking about my mom and that he missed her. I told him that I miss her too.
I hugged him and told him again how much I loved him. Tears rolled down his cheeks and I was glad that he had punished himself worse that I could have.
I love my boy. It's not easy being a parent. . . . it's not easy being a kid. We're all just figuring it out as we go.
Either that. . . . or he's a much better actor than I was at that age. It's hard to tell which is reality.
Hey Tom,
I don't know if I've commented on here before or not. I'm up in Bellingham and visited you a few times when you had Seattle Magic open. Anyway, I'm a regular reader and really admire your blogging.
I have 3 sons ages 17 (18 in a month!), 15, and newly adopted 3 year old.
Parenting teens is a wild ride! It amazes me how they swing from being the defiant tough guys, to suddenly being so emotionally fragile.
It's beautiful to see them coming into intellectual maturity, and being able to really discuss important and meaningful topics with them. But they still are kids and need so much guidance and support. It's like you say though, discipline is a tricky line to walk with them; sounds like you are doing an amazing job with Buster.
Anyway, I really am just posting to say hi, I read you regularly, and feel like a bit of a stalker, by never commenting, so I thought I should "de-lurk".
I've been blogging about the process we went through to adopt our youngest son, and our experiences since he joined our family. If you're bored and want to check out another type of blog you can see it here:
Hui-Hui's World
8:30 AM
You are a damn dirty ape man, with a shallow heart made of sand......
Now, I realize that my words may seem a little harsh.....and after writing them I realize that less than half of what I said is true......But I still feel that the general feeling I am trying to convey is present in my words.....
What are you trying to do, you crazy fool?
I share with you my innermost feelings....
And what do you do?
You whore them out for the whole internet to see!
That's what you did!
I love you, old man!
12:13 AM
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