A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

E-mail to Max's teacher

Dear Ms. Cook,
My name is Tom Frank, I am Max Franks' father. I was sorry to miss the curriculum night last week, but I didn't know about it until Max told me about it. I love my son and like to think that I am active in his life. Last year, I was involved in doing his home work with him on the nights he was with me. Working with him at least once a week gave me a good idea of what he was working on and how he was doing. This year his mother doesn't want me to do homework with him, and does not want an additional folder for dad in his backpack as a way to get information to me. I will miss doing homework with Max.
I really do want to know how he is doing through the year. How can I get my own copies of activity calendars, grades, reports etc. . . as well as view the work he is doing? Last year with the back pack going from home to home, seemed like a good way to do things. I look forward to hearing back from you.


Tom Frank

E-mail from Moira

Thank you for "the consideration" expressed in your latest e-mail.  It is "asking too much" of me to hold/gather school information for you.  As we are now divorced, matters will be handled differently than they were in the past.  It is your responsibility to obtain the school activity schedule or other school correspondence on your own.  This information will not be passed through the children or me.
Homework will be completed at home rather than during the children's time with you.  If Max or Hope mention an extra-curricular activity, and you are interested to attend "when you can", contact me for any needed information.

Tom Frank wrote:

I'd really to be involved with the kids homework. I screwed up
assuming that things would be like they were last year with a folder
for me to get school activity schedules. I was sorry to miss Max's
class meeting last night. But I'll be there for Hope's on the 28th.
I'll send the kids teachers an email introducing myself and let them
know my desire to be in the information loop. Also, if there are
things the kids want me to come to like a scout parade or whatever,
please email me the dates and places or direct me to where I can get
them. I hope this isn't asking too much. I'd just like to do the
things I can when I can.

thank you for your condsideration



Tuesday AM

Dragged my ass out of the house yesterday afternoon to bang out some street shows at the market. Made about $50 in an hour. Went and got some groceries from the store before picking up the kids. Hope had lost her first tooth and was excited to tell me all about it. All Max had on his mind was McDonalds where they had the new GI Joe Crappy Meal Toy. And little Liam, just a babbling and smiling.

We went to Lake Samamish and played at the play ground. After playing we took a nice walk along the waters edge. We found some chestnuts floating in the water. The kids had never seen chestnuts. Hope had a second wiggly tooth that she continued to work on till it came out. She was so excited. I was happy to be there to share the moment.

We had dinner at McDonalds and I dropped off the kids. I went home, watched the sun set over the water and the mountains, then watched Monday Night Football Cowboys beat the Redskins.

When I got home, I looked across the street and thought, nice view, not sure if I can afford it.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Weekend Activities

Saturday night - Performed at Steve & Pam's Wedding reception.

Sunday afternoon performed at Hokum Hall

Watched a bunch of football on Sunday

Slept the rest of the weekend - Too much sleeping, can't be healthy

And with a little wiggling. . . her second!!!!!

Hope Loses Her First Tooth!!!

Call from Cricket

Got a call from Cricket over the weekend. Seems that she wants Buster to move out here as soon as possible. So, he will come back with me when I am in Cincinnati for my P&G gig. We will fly back on Oct. 10th and get him into school as I continue to look for a job or a way to make some cash.

I am drowning in debt and depression. I hope that I can rise above it all and make my life work. I need to FOCUS.

All I want to do is sleep.