Got to the
Market , took out my deck; I wanted to throw it away. Lots of crimped cards were going to make my Faro Shuffle work impossible.

I couldn't imagine how my deck got this way. . . . until later, when I performed the multiple card selection with 9 cards. In this routine the selected cards are in the spectators hand longer than in any other routine I do. Long enough to fuck them up good. If I was clever, I would probably use this to my advantage. . . but I'm not clever. I always have a variety of decks in my doctors bag so I picked one that met my needs.
The market was dead. This always surprises me on a beautiful day at lunch time. I was lucky to make $50 in the two hours I was there. Didn't do the rings once. Performed the cups a few times, but mostly cards and coins for two or three people at a time.
I am an animal and should probably be caged. Yes, I broke my new wand already. . . FUCK!!!!!! I never should have used it in my act. When Thomas gave it to me, that was the first thing I said, "I shouldn't use it" But he encouraged me to perform with it. I went as far as to tell him about my broken wand collection. Many of them expensive wands.

I look at the pieces of this wand and feel the saddness of broken dreams. How could I have done this? What was I thinking? This is the reason why Cellini settled on Iron Wood (Lignum Vite) as the wood of choice for street performing, just a simple dowel, one solid piece.

I was able to find the broken pieces as they exploded into the crowd and into my bag. I will repair this beautiful wand. But for it's own good I think it best to retire it to my mantle where I can appreciate it's beauty without the potential of hurting it further.

I am a monster. There are few people out there, that are this rough on their props. OY!!