A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Fucked in 3 different counties

Not quite sure what any of this means, but I'm positive that it's only a matter of time before someone makes it painfully clear to me what it all means.

I know I can't pay money that I don't have. I can pay what I can, when I can (sent $300 last week). And I know that the Child Support Enforcement Officer doesn't want to hear anything I have to say. She has made it quite clear, what school of extortion she graduated from. . . with honors, no less.

Getting used to a new surface

3 Hour Visit w/ my Dad

My father has been on whirlwind cross country motorcycle trip for a few weeks with a pal of his. He lives in Atlanta, GA where this adventure started a couple of weeks ago. They've been stopping all over and having a blast. 68 years young and having the time of his life! You got to like that!

We had a short visit but caught up a bit, and he got to see where I live. Buster got home in time to spend a little time with his Grampy. I think he liked the Alki Beach vibe and dug the scene.

As quickly as he showed up he disappeared into afternoon. Another day of riding another adventure to find.

Out with the old, in with the new

I've been using this table top for over a decade. Time to retire this old and faithful friend.

Got my new Frank Starsinic table top in the mail the other day! Frank contacted me about swapping out some Phoenix Cups for a table top, a wand, a Cellini style buskers pouch and a ball and cone. Feels nice to be performing on a better looking table top. Thanks Frank for the hook up!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Pics Du Jour - From The Archives

In 1984 I decided to go to New Orleans. I was only going for a few weeks. I ended up staying almost a year. What a time I had!

I didn't know anyone there, but I ended up hooking up with Cellini. Who would have known what an influence he would have on my street performing. He was very kind to a young dedicated magician. Upon our first meeting, I told him I was a magician, he threw a deck of cards at me and said, "Do something". I guessed I passed the test. The next thing he said to me was, "Do you have any pot".

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

More about Monday

Brian Cook called me up and asked if I was going to the Lunatic Fringe Meeting. I had forgot about it, but though it sounded like the good time it always is with this interesting group of magicians. Brian asked me if I would bring my antique German Morrison Pill Box with me for him to see. I told him this would not be a problem.

On the way out the door Thomas Wayne called and said he was planning on being in Seattle in June. We made planes to get together. We had a nice chat about what we've been up as well as talked about Lignum Vite, Ironwood. I found out that Thomas does a fair amount of work consulting for people having products manufactured in China among other places. I like Thomas. He really is a fascinating guy and an exceptional craftsman.

I had a good time at the meeting. Good friends and good discussion about the art of magic. The activity of the evening was a viewing of Shakespeare's "A Comedy of Errors" rewritten and performed by non other than the Flying Karamazov Brothers, Avner the Eccentric and other New Vaudevillian Players. What a delight! The show aired Live in 1987 from Lincoln Center and was presented on PBS. Thanks to Jeff Dial for bringing this rare treat!

On the way home I talked to Shawn Greer. He is doing well, performing regularly in Scottsdale, AZ.

When I got home I got a call from Steve Brooks, founder of the Magic Cafe. We talked from midnight till 2AM. I had met Steve at the LMVI in Vegas a couple years ago as well as at the PCAM. He approached me online about swapping a set of Phoenix Cups for a banner ad on site. I though this was very nice of him and quickly agreed. It was interesting to talk to him about his background in magic as well as the history and evolution of the Magic Cafe. I also asked him about the substantial flack he has received on several of the magic blogs out there. It was interesting to talk to him about this.

While we talked I burned more promo DVD's. Speaking DVD's we also talked about the DVD's he shot here in Seattle for Steve Dobson, Jack Carpenter and Tobias.

I feel very lucky to associate with so many prominent magicians and continue to meet them. They have all been so nice and supportive to me, it boggle my mind.


Started the day, as so many do getting up at 6:10AM and making Buster's lunch for school. I used to make his breakfast, but now Mr. 15 year old doesn't want to eat breakfast. Whatever, I knocked on the bathroom door told him he had 20 minutes before he had to leave for school then went back to bed.

When I started my day, I had already filled in some items on my prioritized daily task list in my Franklin Planner.

They love me at the bank on the day I deposit my $1,250 in one dollar bills to my landlords account. A line usually builds behind me, but I rarely take notice as I bring a book to read at the counter. I asked her where the electric money counting machine was, she said it was in the vault and counted the money in little bundles of $25.

After the bank I went to the post office to drop off the promo packs to the agents. I also got a $300 money order to send to the Washington State Support Registry for child support. It's a far cry from the $1,500 a month that they expect and I haven't been sending, but I can't five them money I don't have.

I will get my act together and caught up on the $14,000.00 I owe in back child support, probably around the time Moira blows through the trust money she received two years ago.

I wanted to street perform but the rain prevented me from making any money.

I got home late in the afternoon after doing some running around. I went to Staples to get some more DVD cases. I'm in the process of burning some more to send out.

Buster was home by the time I got home and was excited to present to me his straight A report card!!!!

We took a nice walk on the beach and talked about our days.

Had an interesting evening, but the sun is shining and I need to go see If there is anyone at the market. Got to street perform while I can. Tuesdays are a bit weak this early in the season, but I won't know for sure until I get there.

I finish this up later.

Empty Heart. . . Refilled Quickly

I just got a call from Moira, it took her all of 5 seconds to tell me that I wasn't going to be seeing my daughter Hope on her birthday tomorrow. I don't know why I let this bother me, I knew this was going to happen. Actually, it just happened, so I can choose how I react to it. Guess what, I choose not to let it bother me. I choose to fill my heart with love and find another day that Buster and I can drive over the mountains to visit the kids. I was stupid for thinking that because they were off of school Wednesday for a Teacher Workday and it was Hope's Birthday that it would be a good day for a visit, even a short one. My bad.

I'll call her back and see how Monday looks. Done Deal. I'll pick them up at 4:30 and drop them off at 6:45.

Video Clip Du Jour - From The Archives

Video Click Here

Report Card

Buster brought home is report card today. Straight A's!!!!!! Doesn't get any better than that. I am so proud of him. We worked hard to get him turned around. This is a kid that flunked out a year ago back in Cincinnati.

He is proud of himself, as he should be, and I like that too.

Wednesday is Hope's birthday. I've been leaving a message a day trying to make plans to see her on her Birthday but Moira seems to be ignoring me. All I can do is try. I love my kids, but given the limited access I have to them I am at a disadvantage and we are all paying the price. It's a shame that for whatever reasons, Moira doesn't want me to have much of a relationship with our kids. . .sad, but true.

Monday, May 02, 2005

part of the pack

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The ball is rolling

I have now heard back from 6 out of the 39 agents, and event planners that I emailed on Friday. I will start making calls and see if I can reach the appropriate people from the companies that didn't respond. As for the ones that did, promo packs and DVD's will go out in tomorrows mail.

A decade in retail and manufacturing and mostly word of mouth or referral work as far as performing goes has left me at a bit of a disadvantage as far as some of the administrative duties called for. For example I had to brush up on how to create a database and do a little mail merging. It's been a while, but at least I taken that first baby step.

The book that set me on the right path, back in the day, was Joel Bauer's "Hustle, Hustle". So I dusted it off for a re-read.
I've been perusing a couple other resource texts. "Jump Start Your Business Brain" by Doug Hall. A very successful business man, magician and buddy of mine from Cincinnati. And one other text on selling professional services.

After the agents, I will begin to solicit companies that I can offer some interesting solutions to. I have been sitting on my ass so long, wallowing in self pity after my store closed and my wife dumped me. Time to start making some real money again. Time to get caught up on the $14,000 I owe in back child support and time to put the dream back together again.

I feel good, even though I had a shitty day of street performing at Pike Place Market.

Tomorrow I will go to the bank and deposit $1,250 in one dollar bills into my landlords account.

Here is the cover letter that will go with the promo packs.