Evidently the Noodle Joint Ramblings were a hit!
Here are some comments from the Web:
You do have more noodles on your chin than you have in your bowl.
Mario -
(Mario Morris)•
Magic and a hot bowl of Pho.
Tom, this may be your best yet.
"What does magic mean to me...?"
Made me spit coffee all over my monitor. You are the best buddy.
You show some fine chops to boot.
(Danny Hustle)•
I do agree with you Dan.
Tom your the king of video clips.
You guys flatter me beyond belief!!!
I often think, this is what my son and I come up with, with little or no planning or thinking.
I then wonder If we could come up with something really cool and relevant If I took the time to script, storyboard and plan a more substantial project. I am convinced I have a few good scripts in me.
Guess we'll see. . . ay?
Thanks for the encouragement gents!
You know what Tom, as a guy who writes those little vignettes you are making are pure gold. Because they are unscripted and off the cuff. If you collect enough of those just a little bit at a time you will feel a story (your story) emerging from them.
Then you can take all of those little bits and draft the script. Once you have the story you sprinkle a bit of the truth in there to make the bullshit ring true and you will have a good story.
This character that is emerging is a hoot and this last one I am guessing contained the most honest bits of you. You are a character my friend and in a world that lacks character I mean that as a sincere complement.
Go for it! Just make sure they cast you in the lead when you sell the script!
P.S. Your look in this last video really punched it too. You were just in street clothes eating soup. A regular guy that anybody can identify with. Then you are knocking out downs stars and roll downs. That is really shocking to a lay audience.
In a film, when a guy looks like he can do that stuff and he does it the reaction is "so what". When a guy looks like your neighbor, the bartender, your kid's teacher, the funny guy behind the counter at the corner store, and he knocks that stuff out it sets you flat on your ass. Your character is a funny, likable, everyman. Then you get to see the thing that sets him apart and makes him just a little different.
Now add conflict and a resolution and you my friend have a story.
Almost every portrayal of a "Magician" in film is either a tux wearing Herman knock off or a scam artist Harry Anderson wanna be. The kids liked David Blaine because he looked just like them.
You are on to something Tom.
Anyone else having trouble getting this vid to run?
Ran fine for me. Kinda sad, really. (melancholy, not pathetic)
A lovely film, Tom, obviously heartfelt.
"Loser"? I don't think so. You've lived a life devoted to your passion, have seen some incredible things, got to know some unusual and talented people.
I think you were (or are) going through a 'down' period, as we all do. I used to go to Tannen's every week and sometimes would see a kid showing off some bad magic and domineering the shop, often when someone like Frank Garcia was there, being quiet. I used to tell Frank, "I gotta get out of magic." He just smiled that enigmatic smile he had.
Maybe you're just putting too much chili sauce in your noodles.
Thanks for the movie.
Matt Field