Saturday, December 17, 2005
Parting is such sweet sorrow

Last night between gigs I made steak and potatoes. While I went to the Fenix, Buster did some laundry and packed for his trip. This morning before getting him on the plane we enjoyed lox and bagels. I'm gonna miss my boy. The house is quiet without him around. I hope to hear from him in the next couple of hours to make sure that he arrived in Cincinnati OK. He had an hour layover in Minneapolis, MN.
I know he'll have a great time back in Cincinnati.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Cold Props
It's a crisp 30 degrees this fine winter morning. I was smart enough to bring in my props from the car last night. This can be a real pain in the ass, to get to the gig and have to wait for your props to defrost. I remember once years ago leaving my props in the car for several days between gigs in sub zero weather. I thought my rings would be fine, but damn if one didn't crack and break. Ahhh the lessons you learn.
Speaking of props in disrepair, I need to replace a couple of hinges on my Deans Box for my stage show this evening. Guess I'll hit Home Depot after this gig.
Friday AM
Last night Buster asked me If I wanted to have breakfast with him. I was overjoyed! So, this morning I fixed him an omelet and we chatted at the table before he left for school. It feels good to be showered and dressed at 10AM. I don't think I've been up before 11 or noon in weeks. My gig is from noon to 1PM. I thought I would take few minutes to check my props and practice a little. Get my fingers back in shape after taking the week off. I'll get the car warmed up in a bit and then off to the EMP.

Thursday, December 15, 2005
Tomorrow I Work!!!
I have three shows tomorrow. The first is is a company Christmas Party luncheon. Should be fun. The gig is at the EMP at the Science Fiction Museum. I'll be doing an hour of strolling and have been instructed to fool the pants off of some know it all's. The bigger they are the harder they fall.
The second show is a 45 minute after dinner show at Daniel's in Bellevue.
The third is the Fenix Underground.
I love performing. Magic is the best! Creating childlike wonder for a living is the best job I could ever imagine. I just wish I did more of it. My head hasn't really been in the best place for marketing and moving forward since the divorce. Perhaps with next weeks mediation I will get the relief I've been dreaming of and finally find peace, unhampered time with my kids and the inspiration to pick up my life where I left off and get back into the game again. Wouldn't that be nice.
Tonight Buster and I ate the dinner that I had prepared for us and talked about our day. He'll be leaving for Cincinnati on Saturday and has instructed me not to get depressed while he's gone. I love my boy. He met with his coordinator today and is on track in all of his classes. He's been sharing a lot of his work with me lately. I like that. I being in the loop of what's going on at school with him.
I talked to Max, Hope & Liam this evening. They sounded great. They were making ornaments, sounded like fun. Max told me about their new golden retriever Zeus. Made me think about taking Moira & Buster to pick out Misty on that Easter day so many years ago.
I blew off dancing for the second week in a row. I called Julie to see if she was going, she wasn't feeling too well and was passing. So I decided to blow it off as well. We're going to go next week and dance up a storm.
Court Ordered Mediation is scheduled for Tuesday Dec. 20th. Until today, I wasn't sure if Moira had any intention of showing. Today I got a call from the mediator who asked if we could start at 10AM instead of 9:30AM. Moira wanted this change in time as she was coming over from Ellensburg. I have no problem with this as I am excited about getting started. I hope that this will start the process of overnight weekend visitation with the kids. I will remain hopeful.

Went to see a movie this afternoon, "Serenity". Not bad, a sci-fi kill flick set 500 years in the future. There was this one character who was only in the movie briefly. Not sure whether it was his voice or his face but he seemed familiar. From a lifetime ago and a simpler time was Detective Ron Harris from TV's Barney Miller. Go figure.

I always liked his character as a kid. Funny seeing him in a movie after all these years.

Quote of Note
We stand today at a crossroads: One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other leads to total extinction. Let us hope we have the wisdom to make the right choice.
- Woody Allan
RSS (Really Stupid Shit) Feed
Not sure why, but my neverending bullshit now has an RSS Feed whatever that means. I'm as giddy as a school girl about the whole thing. Nice to have friends that know what this shit means and can make it happen. Thanks JR.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
For All We Know
-Artist: Michael Andrew Frank (click here to listen to song)
For all we know we may never meet again
Before you go make this moment sweet again
We won't say "Good night" until the last minute
I'll hold out my hand and my heart will be in it
For all we know this may only be a dream
We come and go like a ripple on a stream
So love me tonight; tomorrow was made for some
Tomorrow may never come for all we know
So love me tonight; tomorrow was made for some
Tomorrow may never come for all we know
Words by Sam M. Lewis and Music by J. Fred Coots
New Cure All
Well I'm all better I think. And you know what did it? . . another trip to the emergency room! Who would have figured. Crazy, you see, it said on this yellow paper to return to the ER if the problem persists, so I did. I waited for over two hours. Then I had this realization, that after two hours, nothing is an emergency anymore. So I left. I must be better. . . huh?
Last night at the session Tim and Jose made a truckload of fire wood appear by my back door. Very nice, very sweet gesture. I crashed out early and the boys shuffled the evening away. I hope I wasn't too rude by disappearing into my room. I was just going to lay down for a few minutes, but as it turned out. I was down for the count.
Some sort of holiday kidney stone depression came knocking today, but I didn't answer the door. Rather I yelled out my window, "Get the fuck off my lawn. . . I gave at the office!!"
Think I'll go fight the notion of depression with a visit to the Owl and Thistle. Perhaps a stiff drink and a slow dance might make me feel a little better. I quit taking the percocets as I only have 6 left and I'm saving them for a special pain.
So that's that.
Put in a couple of calls to the little kids over the last few days. Moira has not had them return my calls. Big surprise huh?
I choose not to let it bother me, the way I choose to not be bothered my mild discomfort in my prick.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Pecker Problems Persist • Pain in Penis Paralyzing
Not a happy guy. My shows this weekend went fine, but a few attacks of serious pain as a result of the kidney stones kept me from doing anything else. I had two shows on Friday (that was the night I went to the ER at 3AM) I had the Fenix on Saturday night. That was a little scary, as the pain was kicking in during my last half hour. I got home and even though I was taking the perocets, I was wretching in pain for over a half hour. I was glad that my moaning out load didn't wake Buster. Boy was I glad when that bout of pan died down. Sunday I performed at Hokum Hall and the show went down without incident.
Today I spent the day in bed. No serious, sharp pain but another day of discomfort. Guess if this shit persists (and I don't pass the stone in the next day or so, I'll go back to the hospital).
Had crazy dreams as I slept away the day.