A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Pic du Jour - from the archives

Today's trivia question: Who is this guy & why is he smiling?

A week in review

Monday (Labor Day) - Finished up a four day stint of street performing at Bumbershoot (the final and largest arts, music, film, comedy, dance, etc. . . festival of the summer). Over 2,500 performers. . . 500 acts and the many street performers that were there for the hat, made it an exciting holiday weekend. Not a cheap festival to attend. $28 for a one day pass, $45 for a two day pass and $80 for a four day pass + parking and any food or drinks etc. . . bla bla bla. It was a good and profitable time. I could have worked a lot harder and made a lot more money, but keeping a good and positive attitude was more important to me. I took it easy and worked at a leisurely pace, not forcing any of the shows and focusing on having a good time with the performances that I did do. Buster came down on Sunday with me. I wanted to go see Elvis Costello with him that evening but after the rain started pouring I opted to call it a day. Buster hooked up with some kids from his new school and hung out with them all evening and enjoyed the concert. I went home counted my money and picked him up a bit after 11:30PM when the festival ended for the night.

Tuesday - Alki Beach Magic Studio Session - Good time with good friends. Steve Ameden back after a couple of weeks working Mariners games. Tim Flynn on strike at Boeing. Jose taught a cool poker demonstration. Scotty & Becky showed up later, after their acrobat training. Buster showed us a nice "one handed four way cut" during the round robin (That's my boy!). Session ended around midnight. Scotty and Becky stayed for another hour and another cigar. It was a very enjoyable evening.

Wednesday - I put in a little time at the market street performing. Had to leave at 3:30 to pick Buster up at school by 4PM. He got his bus pass and will be taking the bus from here on out. This ultra progressive school concept is outrageous!! I know he will flourish like coins balanced on fingertips. I am excited for him! Wednesday night I went dancing at the Owl and Thistle. I danced all night long with 8 different women. This one girl gushed, "your the best dancer in the room". I assured her that I was the worst dancer in the room, but created a good illusion. I love the band the scene and the people. A good time was had by all.

Thursday - Recovered from Wednesday night. I had a 1PM date with a woman I had never met. I blew it off like a rude jerk off. I don't know what to say, maybe I'm just not ready to date yet. Maybe I'm just a rude jerk off. I felt to weird to even email her and try to explain. Fuck it, it's been over two years. . . . whatever. Buster and I enjoyed steak and potatoes at home for dinner.

Friday - Worked the market in the afternoon had a good time. Worked the Fenix Underground at night.

There you have it, more shit; straight from the horses ass.

Brett Sherwood Cups & Balls

Friday, September 09, 2005

In my in box

Seattle Magic: In Memoriam
By Carl Bystrom

“Magic Shop” reads the neon sign hanging in the large window of Tom Frank’s Seattle Magic in the Pioneer Square district of downtown Seattle. It is an attractive store front, nestled comfortably between a coffee shop and a book store on the main drag of this historical tourist area. But the neon is deceiving. Upon entering the shop you are immediately struck by its cleanliness and sharp professionalism. With its shiny hardwood floors and bold colors, it strikes you as more of an upscale boutique than a magic shop. There are glass topped display cases exhibiting a remarkable collection of cups and balls, rare books, manacles and other memorabilia; there is certainly no fake dog poop, no whoopee cushions, and no itching powder. In fact, remarkably few props, tricks or books appear to be for sale at all. It reminds you of a high end jewelry shop: sparse yet elegant.

A casually dressed man of average height sporting a well-trimmed, graying beard welcomes you as you enter. He greets you with a winning smile and quickly yet unobtrusively begins to pitch you with a Stripper deck, which he will happily sell you for the low price of $35.00 But don’t be fooled; let it leak that you are a professional, semi-pro, or at least a long time magic enthusiast and the man puts away the pitch deck and shows you some real work. After wowing you with a classic and immaculately rendered version of Ambitious Card or Fingertip Coins Across, he invites you, pointing toward a swinging door at the back of the shop, to the Back Room. A large, opaque ship’s portal stares out of the face of the door, and as you approach you wonder if someone is lurking on the other side, waiting for a password. But as you push through you are not accosted by a broad shouldered bouncer, instead you find yourself transported.

Stepping into the Back Room reveals the traditional “magic shop” that you had imagined when you saw the neon out front. Dim but not dark, with a couple of old glass display cases brimming with all manner of cards, coins, purses, dice and other props. Shelves of books and magazines line the walls, close-up tables, larger props and illusions nestle in the corners. The atmosphere is classic, almost nostalgic—and quite exhilarating. The “Back Room” evokes the aura of a David Mamet film; an initiation into the secret high-stakes poker game in the smoke-filled recesses of a dance club. You see a cluster of men of various ages, cards in hands, huddled about a round table set towards the back. As the scene progresses introductions ensue and soon you are swept up in the raucous round-robin of close-up finger flicking, magic gossip, and conjuring philosophy that had paused for your entrance.

If it is a Friday or Saturday night, the Back Room finger flickers slither out to the store front and take advantage of the Pioneer Square bar scene. At midnight, give or take a wee hour or two, the sidewalk outside the shop will fill with bar hoppers and tipsy college kids who succumb quickly to the wonders of close-up magic. Veteran performers try out new effects, neophytes get their first taste of audience participation, magicians team up to invoke wonders not possible in their solo careers, and delight abounds.

This is the hub of the Seattle magic renaissance and Tom Frank, the smiling trick deck pitch-man, can be held largely responsible. The Seattle Magic Back Room represents a rare venue, an independent community and gathering place for magicians of all skill levels and aspirations. It requires no membership fees, tolerates no elitist attitudes; it simply demands a love of magic. For those unable to attend physically, Tom has initiated a Back Room mailing list where experiences are shared, ideas exchanged and issues debated in a dimly lit virtual space. Tom Frank invests as much effort in building a community as he does in building a business, and he has been wildly successful at the former; the struggle to keep a brick and mortar retail store thriving in the internet age is a different challenge.

The neon beacon that promised wonder and mystery to the public, and perhaps represented a sort of legitimacy and permanence to the initiated, was switched off on June 20, 2004. After 19 months of business, Seattle Magic closed its doors. The challenges of running a “real” magic store in the twenty-first century have proven too difficult for many, including Tom Frank. But Tom’s commitment to magic and his seemingly unending optimism and zest for life continue. Over a year after the close of Seattle Magic, the Back Room still thrives in cyberspace, and weekly “sessions” continue to manifest at various locales in the Seattle area representing a legacy that, although neither wholly inspired by nor dependent upon the physical presence of his store, proves the endurance of the community that coalesced around Tom’s shop.

Carl Bystrom

I want to thank Carl (a excellent magician and a great performer) for allowing me to reprint this here in my blog.

Thanks for the memories.

Immortalized on a hotel room door

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. . . . I want to achieve immortality by not dying"

Woody Allen

The old Vance Hotel at 6th and Stewart in downtown Seattle, has undergone an extensive facelift and concept overhaul. The grand re-opening of the NEW Max Hotel will be on October 15th. I will be there performing strolling magic from 6-9PM.

The concept is cool. Arts in Seattle. Full length pictures on all of the hotel room doors. One floor devoted to street performers, another devoted to the Seattle grunge scene of days one by, other floors devoted to Seattle scenes.

All of the art in the hotel lobby and rooms reflects the unique visions of various Seattle artists.

I'm back at the Fenix Underground!!!

After being laid off all summer, I'm back at the Fenix Underground, Friday and Saturday Nights from 9:30PM - 11:30PM. C'mon in, have a few cocktails and party like a freak!

Check out this Virtual Tour of the Fenix Underground


Gone is the ancient, crypt-like feel of the old Fenix, destroyed by an earthquake several years back. In a new location, the club has risen as a super swanky spot with three floors, five bars, a pool room, large flat-screened TVs and a gigantic dance floor in the basement. Oh, and a maitre d' services those on the guest list. Doesn't sound much like the goth/industrial club of old, does it? Although the new Fenix is much slicker, it's still dark and cavernous enough to lend the same tone and serve as a popular joint for everything from hip-hop to industrial.

Be forewarned: Bring some extra cash, because the classiness comes with a higher price tag on those drinks.

Another video du Jour - From the archives

Four, 15 second, magic themed television commercials I shot in 2003.

Shot on 35mm movie film

Video du Jour - From the archives

Tricky Wallet Trick

When I went to China, this was another product I had manufactured. It was a tricky wallet sized to accomodate a poker size playing card. I thought it would be cool to use it for "Between Elmsly, Brown & Himber" a variation of "Between Your Palms"

I still have a few of them left with the instructional video I produced. I'm blowing them out for $15 (wallet & video) + $5 S&H

The retail price for this combo was $39.95 get one while they last!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

My people





Wednesday, September 07, 2005

For the regular readers of my blog

I was surprised by the many concerned emails from my "faithful readers". I didn't know I had any. I was getting emails from people around the globe that I don't even know. Wow, how weird is that!

My son Buster had the most astute observation. He said, "People like your blog, because it makes them feel so much better about their lives". He's probably right.

All I have to to to feel better about my life these days, is turn on the news and count my many blessings.

But, as not to disappoint; I'll toss you all one little tidbit of my never ending saga. My IRA was garnished by the powers that be. This did not make me happy, however; for the first time in a year I am current with my child support payments.

Besides winning the coveted, "Cunt Of The Year" Award, my ex -wife has been served with papers in my fight to see my kids more. We go to court on the 23rd of this month. I started this process back in January when she moved to Cle Elum, WA (a rural suburb of East Butt Fuck). From there I went through the drug evaluation phase (where the second evaluator concluded that I did not have a problem with drugs or alcohol), next was the piss in the cup while a guy watches you phase. Not one of the random urine analysis's showed any of the chronic marijuana abuse that she accused me of. I am looking forward to regular overnight visitations with my kids!!!! It's about fucking time!!

Site du Jour

Fun stuff from Steve Martin

Morto Magician Animation Click Here

Spent the day in Cle Elum yesterday

Computer Problems, Crashes and Fixes

We'll see if both my home computer and this blog are back to normal performing as they should.

I'm Back!!!!!!!