A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Added Frustration

Tom:  I did not hear from you yesterday regarding how you will be reimbursing me for Max and Hope's dental bills.  Please get back to me today.

Dear Moira,

Sorry for not meeting your deadline of yesterday. When you told me it was a bill, I put in a box with all the other bills without opening it. If you haven't figured out yet, I have sunk to new lows as far as my never ending downward spiral of financial doom.

On the bright side, I finally got a job. Unfortunately the job only pays $26,000 a year (before taxes and with no opportunity for paid overtime as it is a salaried position). I have contacted the child support enforcement officer and given her this info. With the aggressive writ of garnishment that you had put in place, it's only a matter of time before they start taking every other paycheck from me. I got my first paycheck for two weeks work and it didn't even cover my rent for the month. As I am now working 40 hours a week at a job I hate, trying to make ends meet; I have not found the time or energy to book any gigs.

I get up at 6AM make Busters breakfast, pack his lunch and get him on the bus by 6:45AM. I work all day, get home after sitting in rush hour traffic, fix dinner, do his homework with him and then we're so tired we crash between 8-10PM. I wanted to get my performing career back on track. I do not see that happening anytime soon. As you can imagine, I am several months behind with my utility bills, my phone bill, and my child support and medical obligations to my family. These issues combined with the fact that I can't even have a checking account because it will be cleaned out by the court ordered writ of garnishment that you had put in place; makes for a difficult and frustrating existence.

I'm not looking for your pity or concern, just perhaps a bit of empathy or humanity as I continue to try and get my nose above water. When I asked you if you ever think about moving back to Cincinnati, I was thinking that the money I earn might go a lot further in a city where the cost of living isn't out of hand. That's all.

Love Tom,

PS with the new job, I will not be able to exercise any Monday visitations (I've been able to keep the Wednesdays so far but I might loose them too). I was hoping to add a couple of hours at the front end of the Sunday visits to make up the time, how does this sound?

As for the money I owe you, I simply can't give you money I don't have. You will get your money. . . every penny of it; as soon as I am capable of giving it to you.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Buster & Liam

Max turns 8 years old!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Halloween Visit with Jimi


Fuck these asswipes! You can't keep me down. I won't go away. I'm worse than a cockroach. I will never lay down and allow life to steam roll me. I will pick up the pieces. . again, and rebuild. .. again. I will ressurect my performing career and get back on track with my life's dream.

Cups and Balls ROCK!!

Magic = Happiness

Happiness = Smile

As my grandfather, Max Price, taught me at an early age; "It doesn't cost you a penny to make someone smile". He made people smile where ever he went. It didn't matter if it was a waitress, a store clerk, or a person walking down the street, I loved that about him. I try to be the same way.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Child Support Enforcement Officer

Ms. Hoblitzell,
I received a child support check directly from my ex wife in Cincinnati. It was for $150. The other half will go towards the money I owe her. Is it OK for it to go this way, or do we need to be doing it differently? My ex (Mary Frank in Cincinnati) wanted to go outside of the system to make payments and take care of the arrearage in this fashion. It's alright with me, but I am concerned about the proper credit going towards my account . What are your thoughts in this matter. I told her that I would rather take care of the arrearage first than begin to accept money now.

I finally got a job. I am not happy about the rate of pay as it is only $26,000 a year. I can't possibly give half of that to my ex wife (Moira in Issaquah who received her $400,000.00 trust fund a year ago) and still pay my bills. I am deep in debt with creditors after me at every turn.

I really need your help in figuring out how to make this all work. As I told you on the phone, I spent the last few months street performing to make ends meet. Now that the rainy season is here that is not an option. Working 40 + hours a week (with no overtime) in retail as well as caring for my teenage son who flunked out of school in Cincinnati after a year and a half with his mother, (I had custody of him for a decade) getting him back on track academically, as well as spending time with my other 3 kids and worrying about my failing financial scene is my week at a glance.

When we spoke on the phone I couldn't help but feel that there was an adversarial relationship between the two of us. What I heard you saying was that it was your job to squeeze every possible penny from me. Did I misunderstand what you were saying? I would rather have a more proactive relationship with the WSSR. As I have said in the past, I want to pay my child support. But when my choice is to feed my family (my 14 year old son and my 3 other kids when they are with me) or send a check; I am between a rock and a hard place. What do other people do in this situation. Am I eligible for food stamps or other state assistance? Who do I contact to try and adjust the support amount? I am trying very hard to get back on my feet. The choice is yours, help me up. . . . or knock me down and step on me.

Very Truly Yours,

Tom Frank

PS I am two months behind on my phone bill. Call me at 206 335-1545 before it gets disconnected.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Happy Halloween

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Halloween Audio Clip

this is an audio post - click to play