A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Thomas Wayne

Got a call from Thomas today. He's coming in tomorrow morning and will be in town for 5 days. I told him about the Sal Piacente and Mark Mason lectures on Saturday. I'm sure there's a session brewing there somewhere.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Buster on my mind


There is tension in the air around my son. I am trying to be sensitive to his issues and concerns and leave the doors of communication open; but he doesn't want to be around me. That's cool, I love him, and I'll give him some space. The recent plans to move are stressing him out. I can appreciate that. I've asked him to take an active part in in doing some leg work in finding out about schools in LA. I hope he takes this opportunity to assist in the process of his education. That would be nice. But from someone who was less than a wholehearted student. . . I don't have unrealistic expectations of his enthusiasm.


Time Flying By

Lot's going on in my life. Street Performing over the Memorial Day Weekend was good. The Folk Life Festival was also going on at the Seattle Center. While all the buskers from the market were trying to cash in on the festival, I held down the fort at the market. I think it was a good call.

I worked the Fenix as well and found out that they are closing their doors june 12. Bummer. Just the way the cookie crumbles. I've closed enough businesses to relate and empathize.

Monday Polly came in. We spent the day hanging out at the house being all kissy faced.

Tuesday evening I performed at the Westin Hotel for a corporate gig. 4 hours of magic in a hospitality suite for 1000 people attending the 54th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry. They had a Monte Carlo/Vegas theme with lots of gaming tables, black jack, craps, roulette. I busted out some gambling routines, and had a great time entertaining scientists. It's always fun to mystify the intelligent and experience their analytic process. In the end, they all become little kids. It was quite an international crowd that was taking full advantage of the open bar.

I was late to arrive at the session at the Alki Beach Magic Studio. Things were in full swing thanks to Buster and Polly for making people feel welcome in my absence. Mark Jensen was in from Snowqualmi Pass! Nice to see John Longenbaugh, Steve, Tim, Randy Jose, Pete, Nash, Mark, Clay, and who ever else I'm forgetting. Always a good time.

Wednesday night dancing the the Owl and Thistle.

Thursday was spent chilling, cooking, eating and watching movies at home.

There you have it. Just a quick update on my front.

Mt. Ranier behind Seattle


Seattle Sunset


Honky Tonk Wednesday

Danced with Polly at the Owl and Thistle last night.


We're starting to get a dancing groove going. I'm so happy my girlfriend wants to swing dance with me. We might take a lesson.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Polly back in town for another week!!


Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Illusionist

Attended the Gala Screening of the Illusionist. It kincked off the 2006 Seattle International Film Festival.

The Illusionist
USA, 2006, 110 Minute Running Time
Genre: Thriller
Program: Gala Screenings

Set in 1900 Vienna, this stunning romantic thriller is about a mysterious magician named Eisenheim. His ability to mesmerize crowds—and apparent attraction to the crown prince's fiancée—ignites suspicion from the Chief Inspector. When a duchess is murdered, Eisenheim summons extraordinary powers to prove the prince guilty and bring down the monarchy. Enhanced by a magnificent score by Philip Glass.

Director Neil Burger, producer Michael London and actress Jessica Biel scheduled to attend






Illusionist Review • Click Here

Another Illusionist Review • Click Here

Chad Rees Reading Minds

Beyond the Sea


Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waiting for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing

Somewhere beyond the sea
She's there watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Then straight to her arms I'd go sailing

It's far beyond the stars,
It's near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon

We'll meet beyond the shore
We'll kiss just like before
Happy we will be beyond the sea
And never again I'll go sailing

I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet, I know we'll meet beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we will be beyond the sea
And never again I'll go sailing

No more sailing
So long, so long, no more sailing

Good-bye, farewell my friend, no more sailing

So long sailing, no more sailing...

Counting the hours


I'm so excited that in 34 hours I'll be kissing Polly at the Seattle Airport. How did I get so lucky. She's in for another week, because we just couldn't be apart any longer. We talk ALL the time and we're really getting excited about moving in with each other in Los Angeles! Neither of us can believe that this is all going so well. Either we're crazy. . . or the rest of the world is. I like to believe the latter.

What do you say about someone who makes you feel worthwhile and loved.

I say I'm ready to pour my heart into this relationship and see what can happen.

I must say that all of our conversations realize that this no easy task and that anything worth having, is worth working for. Shit, with the added stress of two ex wives and 4 kids, it's a wonder she considers me at all. . . . But you weren't there when we were teenagers. . . and you weren't there when we kissed and nourished each others souls in our 20's. And your not here right now in my heart where I feel the glowing presence of the woman I love.

But your here now reading this

and that's just the way it is.

In my "In Box"

Dear Tom,

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for posting the Al Flosso video clip. Al was my mother’s uncle, and while I didn’t get to see him much growing up (in addition to some squabble with one side of the family he was usually away working) I do have fond memories of him performing the Miser’s Dream on my unsuspecting cousin Ken at his bar mitzvah (circa 1962). I have not seen it since, and was thrilled when someone at a party today told me of the clip you posted. Can’t wait to share it tomorrow with my husband, kids, brother (and cousin Ken) – the clip is the essence of Al, and my kids will finally be able to see him in action. Thanks again.

Best regards,

Lauren Weinberger


For those of you who missed the clip when I posted it, I post it again below.


Video Clip • Click Here

Check it out, certainly worth watching! History. . .