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In 1985 I Lectured for a distinguished group of Japanese Magicians. I had all but forgot that any video existed documenting the evening in Tokyo. Here is a taste of that night 20 years ago.
A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!
This is great, just what I needed. Got this letter yesterday. To recap: A month before my wife's $400,000.00 trust come due, she has me thrown out of my own house with the threat of a restraining order. That was two years ago. I have tried to do the best I can to make ends meet. The fact that I am behind in child support does not mean that I don't want to pay. I just don't have the money. While she sits on her big fat ass, spending her fathers life's savings like some sort of crazed crack whore. Oh well, such is life. So I may loose my ability to drive beacuse of it. And with that, greatly effect my ability to make any money at all. This all makes perfect sense to me. I love my life.
Last night was GREAT!! Picked Sage up on my way to the Owl & Thistle. When we arrived, Julie was there with Mark. Grace showed up shortly after we got there and Carie showed up as well. Grace never wastes any time, and we danced moments after her coat was off. I felt pretty good about my dancing last night. Not so stressed out about not being on the beat after the turns. I love it when Carie is there. Something comforting about having my instructor there to coach me on the fly. That didn't come out right. You know what I mean.
Just got off the phone with my good friend Sage. Our lives seem to run in parallel between frustration and happiness. It's nice to have friends who are artistic and creative, loving and supportive. I like Sage. It was almost a year ago that we went down to Portland for his birthday and stayed with his friend the Dominatrix. I spent the night in a dungeon. Not with a ball gag on and a rubber cock up my ass, nothing like that, just crashed on the floor in a sleeping bag.
Yesterday evening started out at Payne's house for a Smoke and Mirrors Show meeting. The show will be on April 2nd with shows at 2PM & 5PM. All proceeds to benefit a burnt kids organization. Payne and his wife Marie have exquisite taste and their charming house is furnished and decorated beautifully. The meeting was very interesting to me. I have not been involved in all that many stage productions where there were meeting to discuss technical requirements. We went over the acts and what they wanted. We discussed, lighting, sound, prop placement, cues, music etc. . . Rich Waters will be running the spot light and Jeff Dial will be running sound. Jeff will cut a master CD with everyones music on it. I am MC ing the show and it should be a lot of fun. Brian Cook is the show organizer and everything seems to be falling into place.
I was the MC for this months installment of Monday Night Magic. I was certainly over the top with my improvisational high energy comedy. I rocked the room. I'm not sure where it came from, but I like to think that it played. I love performing, and I'm happy that I'm doing it daily. Maybe the boys will let me work the set break at Honky Tonk tomorrow night.
Rained all day Saturday. Couldn't go out and street perform. After I finished working at the Fenix, I went to the South Center Session. Lots of people, lots of fun. Another great turnout, with visiting dignitary Mr. Nash Fung. Mr. "Color Fusion" himself. Carpenter, Meyhew, Dobson, and over a dozen others where there. I was bummed to miss Steve Hobbs. He left before I got there. My mood had been off all weekend because of my missing front tooth. I had learned to smile without opening my mouth. But it was fucking with my head. I was counting the hours and the dollars till I would get it fixed on Monday.
I worked the Fenix Underground Friday and Saturday Nights. The music loud, the drinks strong and the magic. . . well hell, lets face it. . . I'm good on a bad night. I've decided not to use my TW Wand for street performing . Only at club gigs and private parties. When I'm trying to attract attention on the street, I find it hard not to beat the shit of of the cups. At gigs where I don't have to work hard to get a crowd, I can be artful in the use of the magic wand.