A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Friday, June 04, 2004

A Ray of Sunsine

Picked Buster up from the airport this evening! He is here through August 23. I love my boy. We are going to have a blast. We took a nice walk and enjoyed the sunset over the Olympic Mountains and Elloitt Bay. Tomorrow we will get up early, drop my car off at Volvo; as the sunroof will not close all the way.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Yesterday a tough day emotionally

I picked up the kids yesterday at 2:00PM. It was too nice a day to make them play in the backroom as I tried to sell magic. So we blew off the shop and went to the park. We took a nice hike and played at the playground. It was a beautiful day. I had trouble fighting my emotions all day. We had Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner and went to a different park afterwards before I had to drop them off. Max had been wiggling a tooth all day, it finally came out. All of these little events that occur in the lives of children, and I will miss most of them. I was supposed to meet Julie at the Owl and Thistle for some music and dancing in the evening. I took a nap and didn't wake up till 9:00AM. What's up with that!! Ok, so I am depressed. I cried like a fucking baby and then went to sleep.

Mickey O'Conner Visit

It was great seeing my old street performing buddy Mickey. He was here in Seattle for a quick in and out visit. I am very impressed with how far he has come! He is now a seasoned Cruise Ship Juggler performing exclusively for the Royal Carribean Cruise Line. He performs 4 hours a month!! The rest of the time he works on a variety of video projects. What a guy!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

E-mail to my wife's lawyer

Dear Celeste,
To call you a cunt would be an understatment. . . so I won't do that.

What are you thinking with your writ of clean my bank account out? You just took the money for my apartment rent and car insurance. With any luck you will make me homeless and jobless before the month is out. Wouldn't that be fun!?

Fuck you very much

Very Truely Yours

Tom Frank


How much more money can you rape my wife of? And what good is all this doing for my children?

They cleaned out my bank account

I said I would find out soon enough, and sure enough I did. The same day I got the writ of garnishment they cleaned me out. It wasn't much. . . just everything. About $1,700 gone in a poof of smoke. Paid directly to my greedy wife w/ several hundred thousand dollars in the bank (her trust fund came due two months after she filed for divorce) and her cunt of a lawyer. My life continues to cave in on me. I am tired and frustrated. Yesterday was the first drug and alcohol free day in a while. I could have gotten high, I just choose not too. We'll see how I do today.

The shop is going down the tubes fast and I don't even know why. I have to start figuring out what the next step is. I have been boxing the back room up and taking framed pictures home. What will I do with all this shit. I am running out of room.

Buster will be here Thursday.

Monday, May 31, 2004

Memorial Day

I picked up the kids yesterday at 11:30AM from the Shell Station in Issaquah. I was happy that I would have them until 5:30PM. I brought them to work with me, where over the course of the day I became frustrated with the lack of sales, traffic and wasting a sunny day inside with the kids. We played with blocks in the backroom between pitches.

The kids drew pictures and watched a video. We ordered pizza and ate in the back room. Around 4PM I decided that we needed to spend some time running around outside before I dropped them off. We went to Lake Sammish State Park. I paid $50 for a year parking pass to all of the State Parks in Washington. I hope to take the kids swimming often this summer. I guess we'll see.

I am fighting depression. In fact, I plan on kicking it's mother fucking ass!!!! I will survive, I will prevail and I will continue to try and get my life together.

On Saturday, I received a certified letter from Moira's lawyer. It contained paperwork filed with the court to garnish funds directly from bank accounts and property that I own. I don't know what it means, nor do I care. I'm sure I will be finding out soon enough.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

I will turn the tide

Failure is a learning tool. Thomas Edison failed a thousand times before he invented the light bulb. Failure is trying to do things others have not considered. It is a temporary byproduct of creativity. It is challenging the learning process. It is experiential education at work. The real winners in life tolerate failure and the agony it produces. Success is achieved by those who are willing to take risk and lose.